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Random Observations That Have Made Me Wonder

Sunday, Nov. 10, 2002 - 1:29 a.m.

Do you ever have a moment where you see something, it gets your attention and it just makes you wonder?? Well I seem to have those on a regular basis. For example:

My husband and I was in a store a few days ago, and there was this kid there and he looked about 10 years old, if that. This kid had a silver chain around his neck and a huge ass diamond stud earring in his ear. Now pardon me, but what the hell is a 10 year old (if that) boy doing running around with a diamond stud in his ear?? A diamond that would have Zsa Zsa Gabor jealous.

Why are there movie credits at the beginning and at the end of a movie?? Do we really need it twice?? Just how many times do we need to be reminded that Julia Roberts stars in this movie?? These celebrites make millions of dollars, do they really need their names all over a movie too??

Am I the only one getting sick of sitting at a red light while the lane next to us is turning green and there are NO cars there??!??! I'm beginning to think it's intentional. Tonight my husband and I were coming home, and we were sitting at a red light, while a stop light next to us was green and NO ONE was there..then to make matters worse..a light about 20 feet down the road was also green with no one there??!! Is this a conspiracy?? Someone get Stephen King on the phone, I have the plot for his next book.

Ironic..I have a female name..yet I get e-mails about enlarging my penius.

*looks down*

Whew, for a minute I thought they knew something I didn't. But seriously..why is it these places know my name, can tell it IS a female name, but still want me to enlarge a body part I don't have, have never had, and unless someone knows something I don't, I will never have?? Speaking of which..why does the size of a penis matter so much to a guy?? Granted, a lot of girls want large breasts usually, (I don't) but do you think they would if most guys didn't drool at the site of them??

The bigger the hurry you're in, the less check out lanes open in the store..the less items you have, the more items the person in front of you does have. Now I don't care what anyone says..THAT is a conspiracy.

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