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Open Head...And Let The Brain FALLLL Out

Monday, Mar. 15, 2004 - 8:52 p.m.

Okay how lame am I?? I got that wonderful monthly visitor yesterday but not like you'd think. It was like it was barely there but then it was pretty much gone less than 24 hours later so stupid me decides "okay that's that" and doesn't wear anything anymore. And what happens?? Yep it decides to pick up tonight.

Well of course this decides to happen while at my parents' house. I look around the bathroom looking for something suitable to use. The only thing I find is tampons which I sure as hell not going to use. The idea of intentionally sticking something inside me that will give me no sexual pleasure but will make a big mess does NOT interest me at all. Anyways..I look and I can't find anything else. So I kinda yell for my mother and ask. I try not to yell too loud but of course she doesn't hear me. After the second time of asking from the bathroom I was thinking "Oh please don't make me have to say it again." Luckily Jeff did hear and told her what I had said. She said what I would need would be in the top drawer. No more than 6 inches from my face. I said in the title of the head..and let the brain fall out..because I'm obviously not using mine.

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