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My Opinions On The Oscars

2002-03-25 - 3:35 a.m.

The Oscars are over, time to start wondering about next year's Oscars. Okay, well maybe not yet. Hardly any movies that come out now will even be given a second thought this next time year.

On my Oscar picks I got 10 out of 24 right. Not the best I've ever done. A couple times I went with what I thought the Academy would probably do instead of listening to what my brain said I should pick. My husband got 11 out of 24 right so he won our family Oscar pool. Over the years, my parents, my husband and I will all guess whose going to win in each category. I usually win but I decided to be stupid this time in what I picked in some categories. Even as I picked a couple I thought I was picking the wrong one. I would have had best picture right but at the last minute I changed it.

As for my reactions, well I'm glad Russell Crowe didn't win. That guy seriously gets on my nerves with his "Everyone loves me, I am SO good." attitude. Could the guy be more arrogant?? When he talks you know he's thinking "Oh these people love me, and should be so grateful I'm taking time out of my busy schedule of being lusted after to grant these lucky people a few moments of my time." When he sits in the audience in an awards show you can just imagine he's thinking "Oh I'm so bored..when can I leave??" I was glad Denzel Washington won. He was who I wanted to win even if I didn't think he was going to. Although I have to wonder if maybe he was given the Oscar for all the years he should have won and lost. Speaking of the best actor award, where the hell was Will Smith?? He was there most of the night then when they get to best actor they show a picture of him?? He couldn't have been in the bathroom. They wouldn't have known quick enough to get a picture of him there.

As for best actress, Halle Berry was definitly not who I wanted to win or thought should win. The girl is as stuck up as they come in the actress department. I read an interview she did where she said "I think I wasn't a success before was because I'm too pretty." Puleease!! The woman even committed a hit and run a few years ago or has everyone forgotten that now that she's winning all these awards?? Also...I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her acceptance speech. I actually said out loud while watching it with my husband "You've already won the Oscar, Halle, you can quit the acting." During her speech she said that she was SO thrilled that the Academy has chosen her to be "the vessel" to future African American actresses to win an Oscar. She said "Now it can happen." Yeah Halle, you did it, all you. She makes me sick. It was bad enough when she cried like a 14 year old who just saw her boyfriend kissing another guy when she won at the SAG. Also, did anyone else check out Nicole Kidman's face when they showed her right after Halle Berry's name was called. Yikes!!

Speaking of Denzel Washington and Halle Berry, the African Americans of the world must be celebrating tonight. They've been complaining for years that they haven't gotten their dues by the Academy now the Academy has not only given the lead acting awards to 2 African Americans but have given an honorary oscar to Sydney Poitier. Should be interesting to see Spike Lee and other overly vocal African American groups complain now.

The supporting actress win didn't surpise me. The supporting actor win did though. I really thought Ian McKellen had it won. I was quite shocked when he didn't.

Giving Ron Howard the best director award was like giving the Emmy to Susan Lucci. You know they both deserved it sooner and how many times they deserved it but never got it, served as a punchline rather than as an injustice. Just what was the Academy waiting on?? Were they waiting for Ron Howard to beg??

The best picture wasn't a surprise and for weeks I said "A Beautiful Mind" was going to win. Then I did a little research on what experts and critics said. Also considering "Lord Of The Rings" had 13 nominations, you'd think it stood the best chance for a best picture win.

I had a little embarressing moment during the Oscars. I had pains in my chest. Well I thought it was my chest. I asked my mother about it while we were watching the Oscars with her. My father was on the computer and my husband was next to me in a rocking chair. She said "That's not your chest, that's your boob!!" My response was "Thanks mom!! Why don't you just say it a little louder??" Of course my husband and my father heard. My father started laughing. He later said that he was laughing at my reaction. I got up, followed her into the kitchen, asking her if she was sure it wasn't my chest. Then even louder she said "I'm's your boob!!!!!!!!" *Sigh* A little louder and I'm sure the actors in Hollywood would have heard it. It didn't embarress me a whole lot. I don't get embarressed as much as I used to but I think she could have used a bit more tact. Those are the moments that make me glad I don't talk about sex with her.

The Oscars this year were in my opinion boring. The little acts that they did weren't extremely interesting, Whoopie Goldberg's opening was short with a couple laughs. I miss Billy Crystal. Please Billy Crystal, host next year, and the year after that, and the year after hell host every year.

Overall grade for the Oscars: C+ The plus is because Denzel Washington won the Oscar!!

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