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Anyone Want A Pain In The Ass MIL & A Lying Aunt??

Sunday, Nov. 16, 2003 - 8:02 p.m.


Relatives..can't live with them..can't ship them off on a one way ticket to Timbuckto.

First my mother in law. Yep it's that time of the year again when she insists on bitching left and right about how I'm the Anti-Christ and Dec21 is the bad sheep of the family for marrying me. She began last night with sending an e-mail saying how horrible it is that Dec21 forgot to send our neice a birthday card and our neice didn't even recognize Dec21's name on the caller ID when he called.

Okay I have several things to say about that. First..she claims that our neice thinks Dec21 hates her because he didn't send her a birthday card this year (usually he remembers but we were really busy around that time). Now our neice is 11 years old...SURELY she knows that people DO get busy and should know that just because someone forgets ONE birthday it doesn't translate into hatred. If she doesn't know that then you have to wonder just what bullshit my mother in law is filling her head with.

Also, in regards to our neice not even recognizing the name on the caller let me get this straight. She doesn't recognize her own uncle's name on the caller ID yet expects things from him on her birthday. EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?!?! Now that is either a contradiction that really shows that my mother in law is lying..OR my neice has turned into a greedy child who wants everything. I have SERIOUS doubts about the last one.

I told Dec21 that her uncle forgetting her birthday ONE time is the worst thing to ever happen to her..she will have a fantastic life. I don't mean to sound heartless but come on!! Has that family ever sent me a birthday card?? NO. Has our neice?? NO. Does she ever say more than 3 words when Dec21 DOES try to talk to her?? NO. Do I think my monster in law is making a lot of this up just to be a pain in the ass?? YES!!!!

Oh and the really funny part was the last sentence. She wrote "just to let you know". Oh gee thank you SO much. Like it's not obvious she's trying to be a pain in the ass and act all high and mighty like she's the person of the year.

As for other relatives..Dix. Dix has gone into denial. First she told her cousin (Cousin Bimbo's and Cousin Motor Mouth's mother) that Rich had a different disease than he actually does...then when my cousin finds out the truth and confronts her mother..her mother goes into ANOTHER lie and says "Oh it was just a big mistake. He doesn't really have was just a misunderstanding from the hospital..he's fine." Yeah uh huh..keep telling yourself that woman because you're the only one who stands a chance of actually falling for it.

Jeez...relatives can be such pains sometimes. I would love to take about 30 of them and put them on Minnow and ship them to Giligan's Island and stay there for about 40 years.

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