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Parents..One Of The Biggest Curse Words

Saturday, Jan. 10, 2004 - 9:08 p.m.

I need to get drunk..just once. Once would be enough. It would be just long enough for me to just drown out the world and be in a good mood. Granted it would be alcohol induced but so what?? It'll only be once and it'll be enough to at least make me not so damn depressed.

My parents are really getting on my nerves. My father was bitching at me yesterday because I wanted Dec21 to go with me to the bank. We were all at the grocery store and Dec21 was helping my mother with the sodas. Well I wanted to wait until they were done to go to the bank. My father has been a real downer lately and apparently it's been causing tension between my parents. I didn't want to be left alone with him. So he bitches at me saying "You can't let (Dec21) out of your site for 2 minutes. These kinds of things irritate me." Well EXCUUUUUUUUUSE ME!! As if I needing reminding of why I didn't want to be alone with my father.

I eventually gave in..even though I was nervous and praying the trip would go by fast. He wouldn't even let me go tell Dec21 that we were going. He then had me stay in the car with him when we came back to the store until they came out. I did ask my father what the hell had been bugging him lately. He wasn't talking and according to my mother things were "very cold in the house". He said "Some things you just don't talk about." Ummm okay..whatever. So he won't talk to me about it..I doubt he'll talk to Dec21 about it and he won't even talk to my mother about it. I have no idea what it is but whatever it is it must be something big. When we went to my parents' house the other night he was in the bedroom, in the dark with the blanket over his head. My mother had to tell him to get up and get something to eat.

I asked my mother if they were going to break up and I expected the usual "No don't be stupid." Instead I got "I don't think so but you know..if we do, we do." Ummm okay..not very reassuring is it??

Not as for my mother..she bitched at me today. The cable company is offering a special. We can get 10-20 more channels and only pay 5 dollars more and the price won't ever go up. Our cable bill seems to go up a dollar or two every other month so naturally I thought this was a great idea. Plus I really want those channels. So I thought I'd call her and get her opinion on it. Well she bitched saying it was stupid..that we had enough channels..blah blah blah. I find that laughable that she says 60 channels is enough when she's sitting on several hundred thru DirecTV.

She also bitched that Dec21 is going to buy me "Freddy VS Jason" on Tuesday. She thinks I shouldn't let him spend money on me. She said "Christmas is OVER!!!" Well gee I guess she's never heard of a "just cause" present. He said he wants to get it as an "I love you" present and because he knows I want it so badly. When I first told her about it and I asked her to guess what movie he was buying she said "It has to be that piece of shit Jason movie." Excuse me but I loved the movie, I don't trash her movies and she hasn't even seen this movie and she dumps all over it!! I don't ask people to buy me things often. In fact I usually discourage it because I prefer spending money on others then having money spent on me...yet everytime Dec21 wants to buy something for me she goes on acting like I'm a selfish bitch that is forcing people to spend money on me all the time like I'm some spoiled brat. Yeah whatever!! The shitty part is she does make me feel bad about it.

She also decided to bitch about how many DVD's we have. She said we're wasting money and if we have that much money to waste maybe we shold give her some as "an investment". She said almost 100 DVD's is ridiculous. Well you know a lot of people have a hell of a lot more DVD's than that. And considering that we started almost 3 years ago...I don't think 100 is THAT much...especially considering she usually buys us 20 every Christmas. So let's see 2001 Christmas..2002 Christmas..2003 Christmas..times 20 is 60. That doesn't count the DVD's we buy each other and birthdays and anniversaries. So I'd say we buy about 3 or 4 DVD's total a year for non holiday occasions. Oh my God that is terrible!! What the hell is WRONG with us?!?!?! Note the sarcasm.

I told her we weren't going to get the extra cable (and if we do we're not going to tell her) and she said "I think you're just saying you won't get it now because you don't want to clean your house." Umm yeah riiiiiiiight. She also wants to come over to help us clean. Now I hate it when she comes over to clean. She turns into Hitler and barks orders and wants it done EXACTLY her way. Yeah I really want to go thru that. Not to mention the house is pretty much clean. It's not perfect but it's definitely acceptable to most people's tastes.

I asked her to cheer up, she had been cranky since she picked up the phone. She said "I can't just turn it off and on like a light switch." My response was "Why not?? That's what you think I can do with my anxiety disorder." She then said "Are you bored??" She accused me of trying to pick a fight. Yeah right..I'm not the one who was being bitchy. Not to mention she wouldn't let the damn cable thing drop..she kept making little comments here and there even when there was another subject being discussed. She then hung up on me and like a baby I cried. I hate that she can still upset me. I know I shouldn't let her get to me but it still upsets me the things she says and does.

Dec21 heard me crying and held me. My mother called about 2 minutes later and like some secret spy she said "The subject is dropped." and then hung up. Ummm..okay..should my reply be "and the eagle has landed!!"??

A little while ago my mother was saying I was the one mean to her and I was yelling at her. Whatever!! I didn't know her memory was THAT bad. She said she'd apologize if I apologized. At first I wasn't going to but I'm not in the mood to go into another battle in World War 3.

I've said it several times before and I'll say it again..maybe I'm adopted!!!

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