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Is This Pill A Paxil Or A Viagra??

Sunday, Nov. 10, 2002 - 11:57 p.m.

Maybe I was destined to get on paxil. Ever since I was in kindergarten I've been obsessed with rainbows. Whether it was writing in rainbows, drawing and coloring rainbows, even designing my journal in a rainbow theme. And now..the paxil I have been taking since May has turned into a rainbow.

When I first got on paxil, it was 20 miligrams a day and the pills were a bright neon pink. First time I've ever seen neon pink pills. I'm not going to complain they were pretty. Then I slowly got moved up to 40 miligrams a day. The pills were now a very bright neon green. GREEN pills??!!? Not only green but bright and neon color. It looks like one of my highlighters!! Although hey I like green so I won't complain. Tonight though, we got a prescription for 30 miligrams. (Yay!! Maybe I can get off this damn paxil) I think they made a mistake. The paxil is blue!! Isn't that the color of viagra?? Am I going to take a pill and get all horny, see things in a shade of blue and have an errection I can't get rid of?? I can't decide what shade of blue this is. I'm tempted to take pictures and put them up. It's a bit darker than a sky blue. Yep, they're paxil all right..they have it written in capital letters across each one. Oh darn and here I was wanting to take a viagra..yeah right. As if my sex drive isn't high enough already.

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