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People..And More People EVERYWHERE

Monday, Dec. 08, 2003 - 7:34 p.m.

I think I need to stop going out in public and answering the phone. Dec21 can get the groceries and things we need. These passed few days has been extremely depressing. While going out lately we see strange people or people I know and it's usually not such a hot experience.


The friend became an ex-friend because she stopped calling or coming over...but hey that's fine. The girl was a bit of a snob and most of the time I liked her sister more. Now running into her sister wasn't a bad thing because I do like talking to her. The thing hair looked like I just came out of a fan and I was wearing a coat that I happen to not be a fan of but put on because I was in a hurry and couldn't find anything else. Also and this isn't her fault..I usually have nothing to talk about with her. The only thing we usually find to talk about is her sister. She did have a boyfriend and let's just say..we'll be seeing him on "America's Most Wanted" within 5 years.


I go 10 months without seeing that woman and BAM she shows up at the public library while I'm trying to put back a book that keeps insist on falling. Of course she witnesses my being the schmuck of the day. She didn't seem overly happy to see me. The feeling was kinda mutual. It took a minute to recognize her. The hard part was knowing what to say. What do you say to someone you used to have to pay 20 dollars to listen to you talk while you try to figure out why they are so screwed up?? I wound up finding something to say..I asked her why she was sending me bills for sessions when she was ALWAYS paid at the beginning of each session. She said someone did that for her but she would look into it. Yeah sure..translation: she'll forget and keep sending bullshit bills.


I saw a couple kids I taught in PRESCHOOL!! How's this for of them is taller than me and the other is the same height as me!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!! I'm not a short person so imagine my shock at this!! Their grandmother recognized me almost instantly and I'm not sure if the kids did. Their faces looked exactly the same. I guess it was easier to tell now that I could actually LOOK THEM IN THE EYE!! I ran up to Dec21 and told him to help me find youth. I felt like I had lost my youth. Time is going by faster and faster. As a kid it seems to drag on but once you become an adult it's like it refuses to slow down.


Last night Dec21 and I go to the grocery store. Let's the line with us there was a young couple who were buying alcohol. The guy who gave an ID (which was in his car not on him and seemed to take forever to get it) was NO way old enough to buy alcohol. If he's 21..I'm 40. And maybe it's just me but I don't remember driver's licenses having bar codes. Am I wrong?? One of the guys behind us was singing. He wasn't with anyone else and he was just singing out loud. I kept thinking that when I did that in school once (what can I say?? I was an idiot) I got teased and strange looks from a couple of other kids and this guy didn't get at least one "Shut the hell up"?? I did my best not to look at the guy..however trying not to listen wasn't so easy. Another guy looked like he was just aching to rob the place. The cashier who was at the center of all this looked like the Grandma Moses of supermarket checking. She was SOOO slow it was driving me crazy.


How crazy is this?? I spent half an hour on the phone with a woman trying to sell Dec21 and me burial plots. I tried telling her we were going to be cremated but wouldn't you know she had a special on that. Of course..why should I be surprised?? I then told her we were planning on living forever. Then all of a sudden we spent 30 minutes talking about our lives and views on the world. From the war in Iraq all the way down to "The Cosby Show". Before I knew it I was telling her personal details of our life and she was telling me personal details of hers. I half assed expected her to ask if she wanted to talk again on the phone. She asked how old I am..she guessed 20's-30's. I didn't realize at the time but considering how I'm depressed about my age..should I take that as an insult?? I told her I was 24 then I said "What the hell?? How old are YOU??" She said 25...which surprised me..I thought she was at least in her 30's. Dec21 kept asking me who I was talking to. I can just imagine what he must have been thinking when he realized I was spilling my guts to a woman hoping to cash in on my death who was also spilling her guts.

So let's more going out and no more answering the phone. Dec21 can answer the phone and we can just find a way to order whatever we need and have it delivered. Either that or have me all covered up so no one can recognize me.

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