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Pregnancy Test = Menstration Starter

Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2002 - 8:28 p.m.

I am starting to get convinced that pregnancy tests are actually little sensors that send a signal to your body that tells it to start that time of the month. Almost everytime (with the exception of when I was pregnant) I take one of those tests, I get that time of the month within 24 hours. Does the body see the pregnancy test being used and think "Kewl, I made her spend a bunch of money on an overpriced peace of plastic. My job here is done for right now. All right boys, let's go."

I'm sure my mother is thrilled that I'm not pregnant. My husband is okay with it. He wants to have kids but he wants to wait until after we have a bigger place and I'm off the paxil to start trying again. As for me..I was really hoping I was pregnant. I know it makes the most sense to wait..but damn it I don't want to wait. For some reason I thought I really was pregnant and finding out I'm not, not only depresses me but makes me feel like an idiot. I should have known better. Of course going off birth control pills will make me late. Of course I might feel a little sick every now and then although it did feel a bit like morning sickness that I definitely had while pregnant. But I'm not an expert on pregnancy so why would I think I actually know enough about to be able to tell with a 100% certainty.

Yes I know I sound depressed and in a bad mood..and it's because I am. It's upsetting as hell to be SO close to having a baby then having that sweet baby you've carried for 4 months and spent your life wanting just die without ever knowing why, and never getting to see her, then find out you SHOULD wait until you find and get a bigger place, you get off paxil, you have MORE insurance, and MORE money before you can have another baby. Hasn't anyone noticed that unless you are a millionaire, you will NEVER have more than enough money all at once, and be completely ready while you are still in a childbearing age??

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