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Quickie Update

Saturday, Jul. 17, 2004 - 1:59 a.m.

Well 2 months without an entry is long enough. I've thought of writing a few times but just never did.

I'll pass on the big long update. Instead I'll just my hair..parents thinking of buying a new house.

How's that for an update??

Quick explanation for each.

Jeff and I haven't had sex in weeks..I don't even remember the last time we had actual sex and he came during it. It makes me wonder why I'm even on birth control pills.

I got sinusitis and pharangetis a couple weeks ago and antibodics gave me my full yeast I tried using cream and that just about sent me into a nervous breakdown by the bad reaction I had to it.

We've all gotten into playing poker after watching it on tv a lot. We bought some fancy schmancy chips and we play sometimes.

I tried to dye my hair the other night. My mother wasn't overly pleased. She insists I have gorgeous hair. Yeah sure. I tried to get a red out of it but instead got a dark red tint to my hair. It's something and it'll be out in 28 washes or less.

My parents are thinking of selling their house. Usually it's just a "wild hair" of my mother's. Now it sounds like it really will happen and the way my parents are talking it seems like they've been wanting to for years. Well to me.

Well that's an update. Still not letting anyone read this. No plans to change that either.

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