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Random Ramblings

Friday, Oct. 25, 2002 - 10:17 p.m.

Why is there a limit to how long the html code for each url entry can be?? I mean I wanted to put: randomramblings102502.html. However I approached my limit before I even hit the date. I had to settle for ramb102502.html. Not bad I guess.

You know I am very much aware computers are smarter than me. I don't need to be reminded all the time. I spent about half an hour trying to figure out what went wrong codes on the older entries page. Codes I thought were right and for the past month didn't notice were screwed up. I figured it out but not before getting ready to smack the computer and say "fuck off".

I'm in such a great mood. I had a mild argument with my husband over something stupid but we made up. I hate fighting with someone. Especially when it's over something stupid and even more so when it's with my husband. Even if I win it sucks that there had to be an argument to begin with. I was already edgy due to my mother and her extreme sympathy for the woman she doesn't even like. She is also still doing it which is only making me feel worse. We're at her house now and I got on the computer and she starts again on it. To make matters worse..she asks me to go to a local newspaper's site online, and look in the obituaries to try to find that woman's baby in there. Why the hell does she think I'd want to do that?? Am I crazy to think that's cruel?? She asks her own daughter who has also lost a baby, to look in an obitutary and try to find someone else's dead baby?? Why doesn't she just wait a few days and send me on an errand to the cemetary and look for it's grave!?!?! I really didn't want to go looking in the obituary but like an idiot I did it. I didn't find it and I'm hoping like crazy she doesn't ask me to look again. If she does I'm going to say forget it. Well I won't say it that way..first I'll say "I'd rather not.", then if she pushes, I'll say to forget it.

A friend of mine's girlfriend got really sick yesterday and I'm hoping he gets online soon so I can find out how she is. Patience is really not a virtue I have.

I am so damn bored. There's nothing on tv, nothing to really do online. I don't really want to go out somewhere. There isn't any movies I'm desperate to rent or to see in theaters. I'm tempted to write an entry on the current news stories. Maybe I will. My opinion of news stories is almost as almost as low as it is of all the news channels who insist on reporting every single tiny detail and putting on experts who apparently don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Okay now that's just given me a dirty image.

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