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Random Ramblings

Friday, Jan. 03, 2003 - 10:38 p.m.

This sucks...I have no idea what to write about. I guess this entry will have to be rambling of sorts where I write down whatever happens to pop into my head.

Umm..nothing is popping into my head?? The only thing popping into my head is the words I'm writing as I'm writing. This is so pathetic. I probably shouldn't even enter this entry but I said I was going to try to write every day and who knows?? This entry might prove a little interesting..if not now then later on I can look back and read it and think to myself "What the hell was I thinking??" Well guess what?? I can answer that now!! My mind is blank!! I have no thoughts right now!! This is not good. Do you think if you actually stop thinking completely, you die??

I thought about making this entry about current news stories but to be honest, there aren't that many interesting news stories to comment on. There's the story of a missing pregnant woman whose husband was 85 miles away fishing, when she disappeared on Christmas Eve. Who the hell goes fishing on Christmas Eve?? I've only went fishing once in my life. I didn't catch anything and I sure as hell wouldn't go on Christmas Eve. There are 364 other days in the year and the husband chooses THAT day to go, and he chooses to go THAT far on THAT day on the VERY day she disappears and HE is the last person to see her?? Yeah sure..NOTHING suspicious there.

What to write about..what to write about. Well I could write about Dec21 and my mother talking about making bread. Oh yeah there's an interesting subject. I didn't help make the last batch they made tonight, and I don't want to eat any, so I think any opinions I could muster on the subject wouldn't be of much interest.

I could write about the Playboy that's sitting on the floor on my husband's side of the bed. Yeah there's an interesting subject. NOT!! What could be interesting is the fact that I bought it for him. Yeah I'm probably one of the few wives on the planet who would buy their husband a Playboy. The way I see it though, I'd see no problem with him looking. If Dec21 ever cheats on me, and he'll be without any sexual organs if he does, whether or not I approve or disapprove of him looking at other girls isn't going to make a damn bit of difference. To be honest, it doesn't bother me if he looks at other girls. Hey I look at other guys. It's like seeing a bunch of desserts. You may not eat every single one you see but you STILL might look.

Dec21 is going to call his mother tonight to get a report of how she thinks the visit went. That should be interesting. He tried to call last night but didn't get an answer. She should be home now, she had a flight today. Speaking of which, yesterday she slammed my not wanting to get on a plane. She went on saying "if you're going to die, you're going to die no matter where you are." Am I overreacting or could I take that as a threat?? Nahh..she's just of the opinion she's ALWAYS right and thinks I'm nuts for not wanting to fly. She went on saying "Well if you want to sit in a car for 5 days, go ahead." She made other comments..basically implying how stupid I was to not want to fly. Well gee you know I could make a few comments to you too how you only stay married to your husband so you get his money?? But hey, I'm in a good mood so I don't want to spoil it by talking about all the flaws this woman refuses to see she has.

Anyways..this entry was longer than I intended it to be. I keep doing that. I keep starting an entry, not intending it to be all that long and then BAM!! I write a damn book.

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