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Two Choices: Be Pissed Off Or Be REALLY Pissed Off

Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 - 3:50 p.m.

Okay, I am pissed off. Dec21 and I got married 6 years ago today and I should be in a great mood with everyone being nice and not pissing me off. Well a stupid little magazine in Canada apparently does not have a problem pissing me off today.

Let me back up a bit. Just over 5 years ago I started getting into web design and I built a website. I worked on it for about 2-3 years and eventually just left it up without any updates. It was on the tv show "The Golden Girls". I have since done other websites but none compare to the popularity of my "Golden Girls" site. I called my site: "The Ultimate Golden Girls Site" I had so much stuff on there it even shocked me that I had that much. The site averages 100-200 hits per day. However, I have also come a long way in terms of web design since that site.

Anyways..not long ago I was looking online to see how many websites linked the site I spent countless hours on, even while pregnant. I come across the article online of a magazine in Canada.

Look specifically at this part:

Rich's assessment of the heinous Golden Girls is as follows: "One of my favourite shows ever! Every episode will have you in stitches!" Two links appear on this site, to the "Ultimate Estelle Getty Site" and the "Ultimate Golden Girls site" (the latter also operated by Rich), demonstrating that surfing the net is often like picking and re-picking the same scab, only to unearth further layers of gangrenous filth.

EXCUSE ME?!?!?! "The latter also operated by Rich"!!!!! I DON'T THINK SO!!! I built that site from scratch. No one told me how, no one told me what to one spent even one second building that site or helping with it. IT WAS ME!! ME!!!!! And my name is definitely NOT Rich!!! What's really shitty is I know this guy Rich. I haven't spoken to him in ages but I THOUGHT he was a nice guy when I did talk to him. Oooohhh I would love to kick his ass until he can't down for a year!!

Anyways, I do some research and get the phone number to this magazine and apparently they had already closed for the day when I called yesterday. I called today, they connected me to the editor and I got her stupid voice mail. So I call a couple more times and I finally get ahold of her. She said she got my voice mail message but when she tried to call back she couldn't get it right. She said "Maybe I misdialed or you told it to me wrong." Yeah I usually mess up when I give out my phone number. It's just SOOOO many numbers to remember. Spare me!!

I explain the situation and I even offer concrete proof that the site IS mine. Not that it mattered to her, she wasn't interested in hearing it. What she does say is: "Well there's nothing I can do..I'm not going to print a retraction because it's been 3 years and it would just confuse our readers." In other words it would make her readers think they are incompetent schmucks who get their stories wrong. She said she would PREFER I e-mail her my complaints and she'll see what she can do about MAYBE correcting the online version of the article. Did she take my name to credit me?? NO!! Did she apologize?? NO!! She even made it sound like I was crazy for complaining about the article 3 years after it was written. Well excuse me...if I had seen it sooner I would have!! Hell they didn't even send an e-mail thru my site..she just either went on what that guy said or they just guessed. Talk about irresponsible!! She wasn't even going to give me her e-mail address..I had to ask for it. She said the letters so fast I am positive she didn't want me to get it right. Then when I asked her to repeat, she went "c as in cat, t as in.." and acted like I was stuuuuupid. I HATE people like that. What a bitch!!

She didn't even promise to get it right on the site. She said "Well this was before I was hired here." SOOOOOOOOO?? What the hell difference does that make?? I'm not saying it's her fault it happened..but it IS her fault in my opinion if she doesn't even try to fix it or apologize. She's the damn editor!! Isn't she supposed to fix/correct errors?? The woman even admitted that sometimes they do make mistakes. Oh really?? Do you try to weasel out of them too??

Am I overreacting?? I worked hard on that site for years and that woman doesn't even care. I doubt she'll even try to do anything or even contact me at all. Dec21 thinks maybe I could file a lawsuit or something. Could I??

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