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A Response

2002-04-10 - 10:06 p.m.

This is going to be a fun entry to write. I'm going to address something that someone wrote about me on a site. Anyone who would care to read it, click HERE.

I figure I should address what has been said about me.

First of all..whoever wrote that..THANK YOU!! I've gotten 20 hits to my journal so far from it. I hope I get a lot more. If this keeps up I may beat my record for most hits in one day!!

What was written about me will be written in turquoise, my response will be in blue:

You are the most hateful hypocritic controlling person I have met. My charges against you are as follows:

Let's see..hateful?? Not really, usually if I am I'm just reacting to someone else being hateful. Hypocritical?? Nah..I'm usually the one telling other people they are. Does that make me hypocritical?? Nope, I don't think so but who knows??

1. You refuse to accept any opinions differing with your own, preferring attempts at changing other peoples perceptions of a topic.

That's called debating. Everyone has opinions and when you debate with someone you're trying to get them to see and understand your opinion. As for refusing to accept any other opinions, I admit I have done that a few times, who hasn't??

2. You share details of private chat sessions with others, requesting, and then demanding, their opinions on what has been said. I do not care about your conflicts, and you should not care about mine. Nonetheless, you criticize when an answer is given, if it does not coincide with your own opinion.

Do I share details of private converstions?? Umm..yeah. Who hasn't told someone that this person said this or that person said that?? Do I do it all the time?? Nope sorry. As for demanding their opinions..not really demanding, I mean I don't say "Tell me your opinion or I'll never talk to you again." I do ask opinions, am I the only one who has done that??

You don't care about my conflicts yet you come to my journal and read about my conflicts. So they must interest you somewhat. You could be bored I guess but considering there's nearly 1 million journals on here and you come to mine..I take that as a compliment. Thank you!! :)) I shouldn't care about your conflicts huh?? Well...okay..fine I won't then. I wasn't aware that I was and it's kind of hard to really find out if I ever had since you didn't sign your name.

As for me criticizing when someone doesn't give an answer I want to hear..hmm..interesting. I didn't realize I did that. I'll have to ask around to see if I do that because I don't think I've ever done that. I've known a few people who do that but I don't believe I do that. I know better.

3. You issue advice but never take it.

May I have an example of this?? Oh that's right, you didn't sign your name, you don't want me to know who you are..aww shucks so I guess I can't get an example from you.

4. You cannot stand having equals. You must be in charge, must be the one in power, must be the one that has say in an issue.

Let's see..I can't stand having equals?? Not sure I understand that, can you please elaborate?? As for me being in power..I don't like being in power much..too much responsibility and I don't have the leadership skills for it. As for having to have a say in an issue..didn't the constitution give us freedom of speech?? I could have sworn they did. Has congress since changed that??

5. You delete posts to your guestbook, out of shame, pride, or anything along those lines. I don't know why. but you do.

Okay I admit it..I did delete one post in my guestbook. It was stupid to do and I shouldn't have done it. But it just happened one time. I have since left all guestbook entries in my guestbook, good comments or bad comments. I find the bad ones quite funny now. Was it shame or pride that caused me to delete that ONE entry?? Not really shame..probably pride..but I've since learned better.

Theres much more. The way you put words into others mouths, via poll. The way you expect people to remain your friends after you've doublecrossed them, gone behind their backs, told other people things that have been said to you without permission.

I'm sorry but I don't see how having polls on my journal is putting words into other people's mouths. I may be dense but I just don't get it. As for doublecrossing my friends..who?? Gone behind my friends' backs?? Umm..again who?? And what did I say to someone without their permission?? Well let's see if it's something I KNOW people don't want said I don't say it, but if someone says they bought a new car or something, or they got a new dress, why shouldn't I tell that?? So if someone messages me and says "I just got my journal reviewed." I should say "Oh okay, do you mind if I tell people that??

You dont have to reform any of these things, because I expect little to change in your personality. But you must realize that people see you like this, regardless of who you are. Don't explain yourself, it doesnt matter why you do these things, all that matters is you figure it out, because what you do is irritating, unjust, and just plain not fun.

Reform?? I'm reasonably satisified with who I am so why should I change?? I don't see much wrong with my personality..well except for the fact that I am a bit on the paranoid side at times. I'd change that. As for people seeing me like you described?? Well...if they do, by all means they can say so if they want.

Don't explain myself?? Are you expecting me to say something along the lines of "Look I'm like this because.."?? Sorry I'm not going to do that.

What I do is irritating?? That's your opinion I suppose. A lot of people would say posting this message full of opinions that you seem to deem as facts on here and not signing your name is irritating but I won't..I think it's funny. As for unjust?? How so?? It's not fun huh?? Your logic confuses me.

This is no secret to me, november9, but it might be to you. So use this information well.

Secret?? No not really..a surprise?? Perhaps. But hey everyone is entitled to their opinion.

And Another Thing, Sentences That Are Official Don't Have To Have Every Word Capitalized, Even If They Are Important.

I know they don't have to be..but I choose to do some sentences like that.

6. You lie, and you lie awfully. Leaving an electronic trail a mile wide you attempt to decieve.

I have told a lie a few times in my life. I'm sure you have too. Apparently you have on that site you put all this stuff on. But hey I got a good laugh from it. Not sure how you say I lie awfully or I lie so much, give me examples if you're so sure of this.

Do I know who this person is?? Not really..nor do I really care. I find it quite funny though that the person feels they need to say all this annonymusly. My screen name on AOL IM is listed in my profile. If you wish to actually debate this in a chat, you can e-mail me you screen name and I'll message you. That is if you have AOL IM. I personally would prefer not to get in a debate with this person but if they really want to tell me off, that's the place to do it. That way I can say a few things back. But I doubt I'll say much. Don't really have much else to say to you.

If you want to keep slamming me on that website..go'll get more people coming to my journal. I'm telling people I know to go read it and putting a link to it on here. I'm even pasting it in this entry!! So if your plan was to upset me by slamming me on that site, you failed badly.

If you want to tell me who you are that would be great!! That way I can message you or even e-mail you and thank you!! You gave me a good laugh and a lot of people are coming to my journal because of what you wrote. Besides, the way I see it, if you're online you're bound to piss someone off. You can't please everyone all the time. Have a nice day!! :))

Oh by the way, I LOVE the title of what you wrote. "Declaration". Very short and to the point. It was cute too.

If anyone wants to give an opinion on this, the guestbook link is in the menu.

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