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The Right To Vote

Tuesday, Nov. 05, 2002 - 6:17 a.m.

Yay!! It's election day. I shouldn't be all that excited since the things we'll be voting on is about as exciting as hearing who won the "best foreign film" at the Oscars. Seriously though, I love election day. Even if all there was to vote on was whether or not the mayor should have his own parking space, (which he probably already does) I would still do my damnest to get out and vote.

I waited 18 years to have the right to vote and I'm sure as hell not going to take full advantage of it. It's like getting your driver's license. You spend years wanting it, and once you get it, you don't just let it sit around collecting dust. You get in a car and go driving!!

A lot of people are registered to vote and just don't care. It doesn't matter to them who gets elected. During the election in 1996 for president I believe, more than half of the population who COULD vote, didn't. I think that's pretty sad. People risked their lives over 200 years ago to give people the rights and freedoms that so many people today just don't give a damn about. My mother insists this isn't an important election. All elections are important. Each person elected has the power to do something really great to help this country or do something horrible and screw it up.

So many people say one vote makes a difference. I personally don't agree with that statement. Put all the votes together and they do make a difference. Maybe that's what they mean when they say it. Otherwise I'll personally have to say those who say it are full of it. But still..that doesn't mean you shouldn't vote. Voting is a right, a priviledge, something that shouldn't be written off as "not worth the time" or "boring".

Now maybe I sound pathetic..actually enjoying the right to vote and making sure to vote each year. But so what?? There are SO many countries in this world where you either can't vote, or if you are allowed to vote, you are told to vote their way or say good bye to what little rights and life you have. Ex-cons are not allowed to vote. They apparently lose the right to because of their crimes. Even if they are a new person they still don't have the right. Some people can't get out to vote because of poor health or no way there. Now if hearing all that doesn't make a person actually consider the right to vote the way they choose, something to cherish and take advantage of, then they just don't give a damn and don't deserve to have the right to vote.

I can understand some reasons for not voting. A person doesn't know the candidates or what they stand for or some law or proposal is trying to get passed and it would take hours to read all about it. Well guess what..there's a reason there is so much time from when you find out whose running to when the election is. Also there are many ways of finding out what the proposals are. Most of them can be sumarized in to just a couple sentences.

If you are at least 18, registered to vote and actually can vote..get your ass out there and vote!! It only takes a few minutes and you get a nice little sticker that says you voted. Hey those stickers actually go with any outfit..even though they don't stay on all that long.

If you still aren't convinced..then try imagining this country without that right. People would be yelling and screaming that it wasn't fair. Most of those people would be the ones who never voted to begin with.

But here is, in my opinion, my most convincing argument. If you can vote, and you don't, you have no right to complain about the way things are done. Either in congress, white house, or even in your town or state. You're not doing your part to help get the right people in those places to really do some good for this country then why should you be allowed to complain??

Polls are open all day..if you value your rights as an American, show it by going out there and casting your vote. If for no other it because you CAN.

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