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Rude!! Rude!! Rude!!

Thursday, Jan. 09, 2003 - 8:41 p.m.

Now I KNOW the Christmas season has ended. Christmas decorations have been taken down, the weather alternates every hour and the spirit of the holiday season is gone from almost everyone. Today alone I witnessed about five incidents of people being rude in less than an hour. If that wasn't bad enough I'm currently hearing about another incident of rudeness.

The first couple of incidents was when Dec21 and I went to the grocery store. We only got a few items so we went thru the automatic cashier. A little computer that lets you scan your items and pay for them yourself with one person watching 4 of them just in case the temptation to rip the store off becomes too great. It was very crowded in that area and there were lines on each one. One of the people in front of us must have been new to this machine because she went SO damn slow!! When I walked out of the store to meet my husband outside after we were done she JUST finished!! I saw her dig in her purse for money when she had several dollar bills sitting in her cart. If that wasn't worse, a woman and a kid who got a LOT more than the maximum 15 items or less that's allowed and cut in line and went to one of the computers while several people were ahead of her in line.

After we FINALLY got out of the store we were driving home to drop the groceries off. We went down a hill and there was a guy on his bike going VERY slowly up the hill in the middle of the damn road!! This guy looked like someone you would see on America's Most Wanted, and his clothes looked like he rolled them around in dirt and grease

before putting them on. Well he doesn't move and Dec21 blows the horn..the guy STILL does not move!! Instead he just stays in the middle of the road, riding his bike towards us going slower by the minute. As it turned out the guy was going to retrieve his hat. You would think this guy would apologize or wave in acknowledgment or something!! WRONG!! Instead when he finally did move, this ederly woman who was with the guy and looked like a gypsy yelled at Dec21!! She yelled saying "What's your damn hurry??" We didn't stop, although while the guy was picking up his hat I waved in a somewhat friendly way hoping he'd do the same back which he didn't do. I couldn't believe that woman would be mad at us!! What the hell did we do?? Granted drivers have to share the road with bicyclists and pedestrians but I don't think we're required to let them take possession of the entire road whenever the moods suits them.

This next thing I don't know if it's rude but hey I thought it could be. We were at the library and I was walking out to wait for Dec21 as he looked at a couple books. On the way out, an elderly man was coming up on the other side to go in. Now I was going to be nice and open the door for him. Nope he decided to go in another door without offering to hold it open for me crazy but I don't think doing either would have hurt him. Oh well..his loss.

As for the one I was hearing about at the start of this entry..actually it's 2. They both happened to my mother. A few months ago my mother was hemorging and had bad pains in her stomach, (it turned out to be an ovarian cyst that was taken care of) and her regular doctor made her wait all day before he could tell her he couldn't see her, a clinic she went to was closed so she had to go to a new doctor..the doctor I go to. Well she was majorly pissed off that after years of going to this one doctor, being friends with him and referring him to a lot of people she knew that he refused to see her and made her suffer all day, then had the nerve to say he could see her next week. That's a good way to keep patients. She sent a request to that doctor saying she was going to start going to my doctor now and asked that her medical records be transferred. Four months go by before she hears word. In a note signed by this idiot they said after four months they got around to sending her records and informed her that they have a policy that if you have your records transferred to another doctor you are NOT allowed to ever come back!! a problem with rejection there or what?? She is going to respond, she's just not too sure how. Oh I hope I get to read the letter she sends in response!!

The next thing occurred today. My mother went back to work today!! I'm a little sad about it because to be honest, I was actually liking having her home every day and could talk to whenever I wanted. While at work she finds out a little bad news. Apparently the place she works gave her regular pay in the middle of the two weeks she was out plus the short term disability pay. So far not too big a problem right?? WRONG!! It turns out they want their money back..2 weeks of full pay to be exact. Now I can see why they would want it back..but I personally think they screwed up so they should have to deal with it. Well not only do they want their money back..but they want my mother to pay the taxes on the money they mistakenly gave her. Now what the hell!!!??? They screw up and she has to not only pay them back but pay taxes on money that she doesn't get to have?? That's about 300 dollars she'll have to pay out of her own pocket!! That is fucked up!! It was their damn error, they should have to deal with it. My mother said she's going to a book keeper. Dec21 told her she should go to a tax attorney. I say tell the place she works to go screw themselves up a flag pole and get over it.

Is there ANY place that doesn't use screwing people over as a second language??

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