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The Rules Just Keep On Changing

Friday, May. 07, 2004 - 9:10 p.m.

The rules to the game of life seem to changing every other minute and I seem to not guess correctly which rule is applying for a particular moment most of the time. I thought just Sue did this. Apparently I was wrong. Everyone fucking does it.

For example:

My mother does something or lets someone do something but yet I try to do it..bam..I get bitched at. She lets my father or Jeff bend a rule or two in a game..I try...forget about it!!

I get really nervous or paranoid..Jeff tells me to "chill", "calm down" and/or "oh relax". Three phrases that don't help at all..just make me mad. Well last night he heard a noise as we were about to go in the door. Usually before I got on paxil this would send me into a full blown panic attack but hey guess barely caused so much as a concerned thought. Now you would think all the times I get told those annoying phrases for freaking out..I would get at least a tiny bit of praise for remaining calm..but do I?? Umm...noooooo.

Instead I get told that it actually bothered Jeff that it didn't really bother me. He on the other hand who is usually the calm one was nervous and worried. Interesting role reversal there huh?? Anyways he said "I THOUGHT you had some common sense??" Really?!!? Interesting...I get nervous I get told to chill and that I'm overreacting. I react calmly and don't get worried..and I have no common sense?!?! How do I fucking win with that?? I actually said "Well let me know the rules of the game for today so I'll know and can get it right."

I mean come on..either way I'm in the wrong. And I have to say..Jeff ran inside rather quick. Okay not ran..bolted...which was strange considering I usually go in first to keep Oscar inside. Now my question is this..if he was SOOOO damn worried..why would he not tell me to get inside quickly or drag me in or something?? Why would he just basically leave me out there?!!?

Anyways...rules of life keep changing and I guess I'm the nice one who tries to keep the rules the same across the board. People say they want a flat rate tax across the board..well I want the same rules applied to everyone across the board. Is that too much to ask??

Also...and this may sound petty but tonight my father was going to Sonic. He wanted me to ask my mother if she wanted anything. Did he ask us?? Ummm nooo. My mother did which was nice and he got us something. I gave Jeff the cherry from my sundae and a couple bites of my sundae. Did he offer me even a smell of his chocolate malt must else a taste?? Ummm...let's see..oh yeah..NO!! I offered my mother some of my sundae..did she offer me even a touch of her vanilla shake?? Nope!!! Oh but she did give a spoonful to Jake. You believe that?? She offered some to a cat and not to me. To quote Stephanie Tanner on "Full House": HOW RUDE!!

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