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Am I Smart..Or Am I Stupid

Tuesday, Mar. 16, 2004 - 9:23 p.m.

Ever get the feeling everyone around you is so much smarter than you are?? That's how I feel a lot of the time. Whenever my parents or Jeff makes a reference to someone who was popular before I was born or says a word which I have no clue what the meaning is. It's the same when I watch a show or a movie. I feel like such an idiot.

It doesn't help when Jeff says things like my school wasn't that good and they don't give a very good eduacation. Granted it wasn't the best school in the world by anyone's standards but just because I was able to graduate doesn't mean the school was a walk in the park. It was hard a lot of the time. Does that make me an idiot??

One or two days ago I said something about Jeff having to go to my school and he made a comment to the effect of "Oh that'll be easy then." Yes my school had flaws and I hated 90% of my school experience but that doesn't mean it's so easy to go thru and graduate that a low IQ'd chimpanzee could do it with his eyes closed!!

It doesn't help when I get looks when I don't know someone or some show that was on before I was born. Well excuse me but my mind doesn't keep archive records dating back from years before I was born like newspapers do online.


I want to be smarter. In fact sometimes I think about reading the encylopedias or something to find out more. I know a lot about movies, tv and celebrities. I also know a lot about presidents and bits and pieces of other I'm not a total dummy. It's weird being able to feel so smart and so dumb all in one minute.'s an all too familar feeling.

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