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Snow, Movies & Sex..Oh My!!

Friday, Jan. 17, 2003 - 11:23 p.m.

The other day I really stuck my foot in my mouth. Well..maybe not that..more like I spoke too soon. Something I have done a couple times. Dec21 and I was having dinner at Burger King. Yeah I know it's not exactly a 5 star resturant but the food isn't that bad and they are one of only fast food places in the area that doesn't have drinks that go flat as soon as you take 2 drinks. Anyways..I said that this has been a very mild Winter so far. A few snow flurries here and there and one good storm and that's it. Now wouldn't you know it?? The very next day another snow storm hits and we get several inches of snow all over the place. Well I guess there goes my chance of becoming a psychic and getting my own 900 number.

Yesterday before the snow started Dec21 and I went out and rented some movies. Renting movies isn't much fun sometimes. Sure it's great when you see a bunch of movies have come out that you want to see..but then comes the disappointment when they are checked out or the movie you want hasn't come out yet. However I didn't have that problem. In fact..I had the opposite problem. I found several I wanted and didn't know which to get. The place charges almost 4 dollars a movie, and we had a rent one, get one free coupon and I wasn't in the mood to spend a fortune on movies so Dec21 and I each picked one.

Dec21 didn't have any problem picking one. He picked "XXX". Why anyone would spend money to watch Vin Diesel do anything other than announce his own retirement is beyond me. Up until yesterday I thought his first name was Van. Oh well..I'll get over being wrong about it. I narrowed down my choices to "Stuart Little 2" and "Pumpkin". Two movies with nothing in common other than they are movies that happened to be released in the same year. I've seen "Stuart Little" and I think it's a very cute movie and I've wanted to see the sequel since it was announced it was going to be made. "Pumpkin" is some movie with Christina Ricci that I have yet to fully understand what it's about.

I decided on "Stuart Little 2" and plan on watching it sometime in the next couple days. It's not due back until next week. Dec21 watched "XXX" last night and he seemed to get a kick out of it. Scary huh?? That someone would actually ENJOY a Vin Diesel movie.

Anyways..we also went to the "Adult Movie Section". You know those kinds of movies. The kind you can't even catch a glimpse of the boxes unless you're over 18. However when you're under 18 is when you're the most interested in them. This day however, Dec21 and I were both curious and wanted to rent one.

Dec21 walked in first. This part of the video store is in the middle of nowhere in the store. You would think it was a storage room. As I walked in I saw all the movies. Wall to wall naked bodies and sex acts in numerous boxes. Now I've seen these kinds of videos displayed before but never really looked at them to try and rent a movie. The first box I looked at had a picture of a naked woman. Her nipples were the size of my fist. They looked like they covered her entire breast. I said out loud "Oh my God..this woman's nipples are HUGE!!" At that moment I didn't realize, but was soon told that we were not alone in that section. An older guy, looking like a combination of a truck driver and a guy you would see on "America's Most Wanted" was in a section for those movies to sell.

Believe it or not I wasn't embarressed that my comment had been heard by Ted Bundy..just surprised. However he didn't look up or say anything. What could you say to someone you see in an adult movie section?? "Hey how's it hanging??" "Hey what's up??" "I wonder if there's an Oscar winners in here." Dec21 and I looked at different movies. Get this..they even have pornos on DVD now. I know I probably sound like some hick who just crawled out from under a rock but I didn't know they had got them on DVD yet. But hey why not?? It's just what every 18 year old dreams of...being able to rewatch a scene over and over again at the touch of a button without having to worry about going too far or not far enough.

The porno we wound up getting was basically a collection of home videos people shot of themselves having sex and putting it up on a site and someone having the bright idea of getting them all together into one tape and marketing it. Can you imagine being one of those people and suing for a percentage of the profits?? When we walked out of there that guy who was in there before us was STILL in there looking at the movies to buy. Was he looking for a birthday present for his son?? Or was he trying to get a free masturbating session without having to pay the money for the tape?? The movie cost 6 dollars to rent!! Jeez it would be cheaper to get a pair of binoculars and hope we get very sexually active neighbors.

So far we've watched a little bit of it. Not too exciting, although I think I'll hold off on making TOO many comments until after we finish it. I wonder if when I write the entry about it I should put it in my "Movie Reviews" section??

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