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A Spoonfull Of Bull Along With Most Of My Resistance

Thursday, Sept. 22, 2005 - 11:45 p.m.

Unfucking believable!!

All my mother has to do is be in the room and say the opposite of what Jeff tells me he feels (when he's on my side) and bam he gives in and takes her side leaving me out in the cold to be the only one on my side. It's like his balls disappear when she's around.

He was all on my side..along with me venting about the hair thing, telling me how right I was and how she was overreacting and going overboard..and that he was going to sit with me and tell her so when she got home from work. What happened?? Exactly what always happens. He sat there..didn't say anything until I asked him to say something and all he did was draw a blank, saying he didn't really know what to say, had no real opinion and then bam on her side. What the fucking fuck?!?!

So I also found out that when she claimed to like my hair last time it was done she didn't really like it..she just "didn't want to hurt any feelings". Oh so you wait until I'm about to get my hair done again before telling me my hair looked like shit and you hated it?? And of course Jeff who had said how much he loved it last time, looked better than ever before decides to chime in with "Well she's right, it wasn't done completely right." Oh reeeeally?? Who the fuck are you and where were you when I was venting like crazy earlier?? Where's the man who was all on my side and was going to stand up with me when confronting her tonight.

Well I gave in..what choice do I have?? It's nice to know what everyone thinks now. Although in a way I don't. Now whenever she gives a compliment is it for real or does it fall under the heading of "trying to spare feelings". And Jeff..I don't know what to believe that comes out of his mouth sometimes.

Although I have to mention one laughable point. She said I should be proud of her for thinking of my feelings..oh really?? And how often do you this?? Who used to make faces when I would gain a pound?? Who raises hell and refuses to be seen with me in public if my hair isn't the way you want it or I don't feel like wearing a bra a certain day?? Where was the concern for my feelings then??

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