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Stray Cat

2002-01-13 - 10:05 p.m.

I'm going to try a little something different with this entry. This is something that actually happened this evening and this is the only way I can write it

There once was a young cat of less than a year,

That was sweet, which no one could ever fear.

The young cat would play,

The cat would be here, there, this way and that way.

It would run all over,

It's name? Kitty? Fifi? Rover?

No one would know.

One night a car was driving that did not drive slow,

The young cat was struck by the car,

My husband and I watched from afar.

Watching from a few feet away,

Not knowing the cat was not okay.

Twitching from side to side, looking as if it had an itch,

It's still alive body only inches away from a ditch.

Blood splattered all around.

From a distance I could then see, the cat stopped, never again making another sound.

I called out asking if the cat was all right,

My husband who was next to the cat knew this was the cat's last night.

For the young cat was gone,

And would never play on earth's large lawn.

Perhaps the cat's spirit is running and playing in a field,

For it's fate on earth has been sealed.

I never knew the cat's gender or name,

Which is probably a real shame.

Even though it was a stray, it's existance was with a reason,

Other than to float thru the world from season to season.

The images of that cat in that road I can't forget,

Nor can I ignore the fact the cat would still be alive if someone had taken it as their pet.

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