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I Get A Sunburn, My Mother Gets Herpes & Sadaam Hussein Gets Bombed

Tuesday, Apr. 08, 2003 - 5:51 p.m.

Who'd believe it?? A week ago this past Sunday I was cussing because snow was back and fell 6 inches worth. Then this past Sunday I got a sunburn on my arms, legs, and face. What are the odds?? Mother Nature is either getting a nice laugh or the batteries in her little weather machine is out of messing up. Either way I hope Winter is OVER for the next 8 months. I am SO sick of snow, ice and cold weather.

Yep you read it mother has herpes. Now of course the next question is how'd she get it?? I can barely bring myself to try to comprehend what it looks like when my parents have sex, I can't imagine one of them having sex with another person. Those kinds of thoughts should be outlawed. Now as to how she got it..well with this next statement that question will be answered..she's got it in her mouth. It's a fever blister and I've been told that is a form of herpes. Well that's news to me. I never heard of that before. My mother has herpes of the mouth. Oh dirty thoughts are just pouring into my head over that one.

Sadaam got bombed..again. Is he dead?? Who cares. He's lost what he and other egomaniacs want..power. Most of his people are saying "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore" The US and UK are saying "We're mad as hell and we're not going to let you give it anymore." The very few loyal idiots who think Sadaam is a god are saying "We're not mad as hell and we're going to keep taking it some more." Death is too good for Sadamn Insaneo. Let him hide in a bunker, several hundred feet below, while he recounts to all his idiots..I mean followers, about how good he USED to have it. Although if by chance Sadamn is killed, I can't say I'll lose sleep over it.

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