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Some Things I'm Wondering

Friday, May. 03, 2002 - 11:59 p.m.

Do you ever wonder about things?? Sometimes very specific things or very general things that everyone has probably wondered in some way or another. I'm wondering about things over half the time of every day. Some of them are probably silly, and some are probably ones that other people have wondered. Here are some things I've wondered. No laughing now. Well...ok..maybe some laughing is acceptable.

1) When contestants on "Family Feud" are playing the final round, why isn't the second person who goes up to give answers not allowed to see the answers the previous player gave?? They aren't allowed to give the same answers so what difference does it make if they see the other answers?? To waste time maybe??

2) Why do some people admit that some things have changed since the Bible was written but only the things that enhances themselves?? Like God apparently intended for everyone to be nude but people say now that was changed and even though that's what God wanted they couldn't possibly go nude now. But to some people homosexuality is wrong just because it was written in the Bible. Who decides what makes what the Bible says not applicable anymore??

3) Just what is the purpose of dissecting a frog in high school going to serve?? I've only met two kinds of people when it came to dissecting a frog. The people who found it gross and unnecssary and those who loved it just for the fact that they could do gross things to a frog. They don't care about the learning part. In my opinion anything you can learn from dissecting a frog you can learn just as easily from a diagram or a textbook. I don't see how personally ripping open a frog is going to teach you other than how stupid some of your classmates are willing to get.

4) Just what is the purpose of the electoral college?? If everyone's vote really matters then the electoral college does not need to exist. In the last presidental election the electoral college decided the election. Gore won the popular vote, which is what is supposed to count. I've noticed since that election you don't hear people saying "Every vote counts." As much as I approve of Bush as a president now I do not believe he won the election. Gore is the one who got the most votes which is what is always said to be what counts.

5) How many people do you think would take a position in Congress if it was a volunteer position and not an overpaid career. People would be there because they loved their country, loved their state and really wanted to do a good job and do things that would really help everyone. They wouldn't be there for the money because no money would be given to them. How's this for an husband and I came up with this idea together. People who want to be in congress can still get elected but they have to know they won't be paid or given all this money. They will be given a hotel room, ride to and from the building, and some money while they are there. Enough to pay for extra expenses and to send home to their families. No less.

6) Have you noticed fans of soap operas complain that there aren't certain things on soaps anymore but when the writers actually do put some of those things back the fans THEN say that the writers are just re-doing things they've done before?? They say they're recycling or just repeating an old storyline?? You can't make them happy all the time.

7) Speaking of soap operas, I used to wonder why the ratings for soap operas have gone down. Then I realized why. Many people think it's because of lack of good storylines. I don't agree. I may be crazy but maybe it's the internet. Think about it..before the internet you didn't have any idea really what was going to happen on the next episode. You didn't have all these websites listing spoilers for the next 1-2 weeks. When you know what's going to happen you may lose interest in watching because the moments of being glued to the set wondering what's going to happen is replaced with you watching the tv thinking "Oh yeah I read about this, I know how this is going to turn out."

I can remember the last 5 minutes of a soap opera on Friday and I would be SO upset that I'd have to wait all weekend to find out what would happen next. Now by the time Friday's episode finishes airing I usually know what's going to happen the following week. Not that I am blaming the websites, I'm glad they are there. I'm just saying that people used to tune in on Mondays, anxiously awaiting what was going to happen next. Now that they know, the suspense and the glued to the sets has passed. Also when you know what's going to happen and it doesn't look like a very exciting week, why bother tuning in?? I usually check out the spoilers for "All My Children" and "Days Of Our Lives" then decide which to watch based on which spoilers look most interesting. Would I enjoy soaps more if I didn't know what was going to happen?? Probably not, because sometimes reading the spoilers are the only way I can keep up with what's going on.

7) Why is it people complain about the endings of some movies?? The endings are either predictable or didn't have the fairy tale ending people want. If the 2 main characters get together then the movie is too predictable and you get people saying "I saw the ending coming a mile away." If they don't get together at the end of the movie then people get upset at that too. They say that the movie didn't end right or that they felt like they sat thru 2 hours just to watch the characters not get together. Now me, I like both movies where they can be predictable and where they aren't. But what I like most about a movie is one that has a happy ending but the entire movie isn't completely predictable. There are a couple things you don't see coming.

8) Do these dating shows intentionally put people together knowing they won't get along??

9) Who picked 42 to be the answer to everything?? Someone needs to tell the person that they are wrong.

10) Did the military really think that having a draft was going to be greeted with open arms?? You would think the military would have been a bit smarter and realized that if you draft someone who doesn't want to be in the military they aren't going to make good soilders.

11) Why can't they invent a shot that a girl can take that will just stop her periods until she is ready to have a baby?? Yes I know there is that shot out there but I'm not talking about that. A girl should be given a shot that will stop her from getting her periods until she gets another shot that will start them up again?? Those Depo shots take awhile to get out of your system and you have to keep taking them. But I think this way a girl can get it when she's very young and I bet it would cut back on teen pregnancies. As for getting girls on it, just remind them that it'll cancel their periods until they are ready for it. They will jump at the chance to get it.

12) Why is it that when you're a kid you aren't allowed to have your room the way you want it?? Parents insist a kid keeps their room clean. Why though?? The parents aren't having to live in that room, it's not their things in there being placed all over.

13) Who picks the title for a movie??

14) Wouldn't it be cool if a pregnancy test was invented that instead of those lines it was like an 8 Ball?? If you were pregnant a message would show up saying "Positive" and if you weren't a message would come up saying "Negative" or something like that.

15) Do writers on tv shows even pay attention to what they've written in previous episodes?? It's like they change the history of characters just to suit the current episode. Like in "Golden Girls" they show one of the characters having a cat in a flashback, then later on they claim that character couldn't have ever owned a cat because she was allergic to cats

16) Have you noticed that brand name items and non brand name items taste VERY similar?? How do the non brand names avoid lawsuits??

17) If Bin Laden is so big and brave, why wasn't he on one of those planes on Septembr 11??

18) Just how many people read my journal?? And what do they think of it??

19) How long does it to take people who write to Abby and Ann Landers to get their letters published?? And what happens to those whose letters don't get published?? Are they just put on hold?? Referred??

20) How is it some people can eat whatever they want and not gain any weight, maybe even lose a pound or two but some other people can gain weight just by thinking of food?? Personally I seem to gain weight just by looking at something edible.

21) Why do people in yahoo games and some other game sites, care SO much about their ratings?? Do they think they're in Vegas and can turn those points into money?? Are they expecting a prize??

22) Do I wonder too much??

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