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Today's Highlights

2001-12-22 - 7:22 p.m.

This day went by fast. I wonder if that's good or not when a day seems to pass by faster than 8 hours of sleep. Maybe it's that winter is officially here and there is a larger percentage of a 24 hour day that's darker than not.

My husband and I were wrestling around earlier today. Yeah I know it's not the best idea but it's fun. Not to mention me and him are both so competitive in some ways with each other that neither of us will surrender. I had no choice but to give up when he had me in a pinned position on my side and his leg gave out. Let's just say his knee and my back and a sudden introduction. He apologized instantly and numerous times afterwards. I forgave him of course, and after I regained the wind that had been knocked out of me I whined a little. Good lesson to learn I guess. If you're wrestling with someone who is bigger than you, don't turn your back on them. hehe

The car decided it wanted to act up a little. It seems it wanted to take a nap while silly us wanted to drive it. Cars really have no consideration to drivers. Wouldn't you know it would decide to not start in a crowded parking lot in a tight space?? It eventually worked and it's doing fine now. I really don't like cars sometimes. I mean think about it..we are asked to entrust our lives to a machine that doesn't have a brain, a conscious and sometimes doesn't even listen to what you want it to do. Not to mention you need to keep putting money into it just to keep it going and if you decide to stop putting money into it, it's basically a yard ornament.

My mother is sick again. She used to rarely get sick and if she did she'd never admit it. Now it seems like she seems to be getting a monthly cold and makes sure everyone knows it. I used to be like that. I'd get sick in the winter almost every week, and make sure the world knew it. I think the last time I was sick was..2 months ago. I got sick right after going to the doctor. Typical huh??

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