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This Town Is Messed Up

Monday, Jan. 20, 2003 - 10:14 p.m.

I have lived in this town pretty much ALL my life and I hae to say that this town is unbelievably messed up. Whoever decides how things are done in this town have no clue how to put together a town.

As I've said before our city hall is currently in a trailer park while they are rebuilding the old one. If that's not bad enough, this town has THREE Hardee's, about 30 banks, 2 bowling alleys, enough hotels for all of congress and the penatagon to stay in, but not one single 7-11. Where my in laws used to live there was a 7-11 at every corner. They even had 2 at the same intersection, just on different sides of the street. We DID have a 7-11 for awhile and they closed it down but didn't build a new one. Now I have to ask this. If they can build THREE Hardee's why can't they build ONE 7-11??

The roads in this town are constantly being taken apart, redone, rearranged and going all over the place. They even tore down one road that went straight down the road and made a big horse shoe that takes twice as long as to get to the other side as straight road. To get to a bypass towards the interstate you have to go to nearly the end of town, go thru a few red lights, go into the middle of nowhere and get on a curvy road there that goes on it. Personally I'm beginning to wonder if there's anything really wrong with these roads and what they do are helping at all. I think they are just trying to prove they deserve all the money that's given to them for budget and figure if they don't use it all, they won't get as much next year.

Another thing that's messed is up is the United States flags that are around here. The one at a grocery store we go to sometimes, looks like it could completely cover my parents' house and have room to spare for a couple cars. Meanwhile the one at the courthouse, where it should be bigger, looks like it couldn't cover a bed. Now what the hell is up with that?? Why is a grocery store got the monster flag and the court house has an almost microscopic one??

Another thing that's annoying is there appears to be stop lights every 10 feet. It's like just when you get the car going again you have to stop. And they keep putting up MORE stop lights. Hey town of my birth and raising..instead of spending money on stop lights, how about you build a 7-11?? Oh wait..I forgot the people that run this town don't listen to what anyone says or wants.

One of these days I fully expect this town to be turned into a city. To be honest I'd hate that but maybe then we'd get a 7-11. However it feels like we have the small town status, just with more businesses and stores than we need. I'd love it if this town had a lot of the stores they do have but it was like one of those small towns you read in "Little House In The Prarie"...where everyone knows everyone. Although come to think of it..they may not be a good idea.

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