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Getting Back On Track To Sleeping Normally Take 1

2002-01-28 - 8:08 p.m.

Well it shouldn't be any surprise but I am still on a messed up sleeping schedule. I have come up with an idea which usually works. If I can stay up all night and all day, and go to bed at midnight then I should be back on a normal sleeping schedule. I decided this morning I would keep a log of how I do and then transfer it all for that day on here into one entry. I didn't make it this time and I didn't come up with the idea until this morning. I hope to start the next one tonight at midnight. Here's how I did this morning though:

8:18AM: 15 HOURS AND 42 MINUTES TO GO:I'm not sure what time I should go by. Our alarm clock says 8:16, and the TV says it's 8:20. Ironic enough my watch says 8:18 so I think I'll go with that one. Well this plan is very simple. I need to stay up until midnight tonight then sleep all night. I didn't sleep at all last night. I'm not sure I can do this right now. A few minutes ago I got the dazed feeling that comes from lack of sleep. I usually don't stay awake much longer after that feeling settles in. I have to stay awake though. I'm sitting in bed right now next to my husband who is sleeping. The TV is on, and so are the lights. I figure I have a better chance of staying awake if the lights are on. I also have some tapes filled with "Golden Girls" episodes nearby so I can watch them. I'm all set. Oh jeez my handwriting really sucks right now.

8:26AM: 15 HOURS AND 34 MINUTES TO GO:Oh great, I'm getting a headache. This is not the time for a headache. I apologize in advance for how crazy or stupid I may sound in this.

9:24AM: 14 HOURS AND 36 MINUTES TO GO:Well I'm laying down now. One eye is starting to get heavy as the other is glued to the TV alternating between "Golden Girls" and a tv movie that I've seen a dozen times. I really should tape that movie one of these days. I'm feeling nauseious. The bed's comfortable though. My husband is warm and very cuddley. He's still asleep. I'm cold. I want to cuddle up to my husband but I know if I do I'll get so comfy I'll fall asleep. I'm wondering if I should change clothes to what I normally wear to bed. Right now I'm wearing tight black pants that you normally wear to exercise and a sports top.

Well...that was all I wrote. I was asleep before 10AM. Well, I guess I'll have to try again tonight.

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