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"You Flash Me, I Flash You"

Monday, Aug. 04, 2003 - 12:30 a.m.

Something must be in the water because Dec21, my mother and my father were all alternating between good moods and grumpy as hell this weekend. Now when my mother gets in a bad mood, I almost expect to see fire spewing out her mouth like a dragon. It never does happen but one of these days it might. As for Dec21..I hate when he gets grumpy..and it always seems to happen the most often when he hasn't shaved in a few days. It's like he goes thru shaving cream withdrawal. He never gets downright mean like my mother, he just gets really grumpy.

Now I don't know what my mother's problem was today. She started off being grumpy, went to mean then back to grumpy. Just about anything said seemed to make it worse. I got called ignorant, pathetic and having no brain because I wanted her to check on Dec21 who was working (and sweating like crazy) on something for my father outside in the hot and humid sun while my father did nothing but watch. Gee I'm sorry mom, I guess Dec21 or myself has to do things for you two without really being asked, yet asking for anything in return is like asking for money that you don't expect back. She finally went to check..keeping up the comments. She also jumped on my ass because I was having a private conversation with Dec21. Jeez mom, do you ever butt out of ANYTHING???

Now as for Dec21..he wasn't too grumpy today..but he was yesterday. He was playing a game online and the game wasn't going the way he liked and he just got all upset and moody at anyone who looked at him. Oh yeah..great reason huh?? Or as I preferred to say: "piss poor reason". This went on while at my parents' house and my mother and I were both pissed about his mood so we gave him the silent treatment and after about 20-30 minutes he was apologizing and being sweet. Hmmm..20-30 minutes of the silent treatment..I'll have to remember that.

By the time we left my parents' house tonight everyone was all sweet and happy again. My mother sorta apologized, and acted all sweet. Hey it beats the yelling, bitchiness and name calling. However my father seemed to be in a bitchy mood as we were leaving because I didn't turn his computer off. For some reason he turns it off and does so in a way that all the settings get screwed up so they have to be fixed again the next time someone gets on. Who usually has to fix them?? Yours truly.

Anyways, as I walked out, Dec21 was already in the car and he was flashing the headlights at me. Well..he was flashing I flashed him. I pulled my shirt and sports top. Yes I was flashing MY headlights. I've done it a couple other times when we're leaving my parents' one else has ever seen me do it and it still surprises Dec21 when I do it. I told him when I got in the car "Hey, you flash me, I flash you."

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