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Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2004 - 9:09 p.m.

Yes yes I'm back to write in my journal again. I needed a couple weeks to get my nerves and myself together. I'm part of the way there..well sorta. I don't know. I didn't plan on taking a break but I found out something when I went to the doctor last month and it kinda threw me for a loop. Enough beating around the bush..I might as well just put in an update on everything.

First of all the appointment at the OBGYN went okay. It hurt like hell, as usual and I'm perfectly fine. So I went thru a few days of being nervous, paid 20 dollars and endured about 5 minutes to pain to find out I'm perfectly healthy. What a shame doctors don't come equiped with X-ray vision and can just look at you for a couple minutes and determine that without poking, proding and looking at every inch of your that damn backless gown they give you do not cover.

I found out that it looks like I had another miscarriage recently. Recently as in I'd still be pregnant if I hadn't lost it. She says everything is perfectly fine with me and that it wasn't something I could have prevented. The baby hadn't formed completely right and it never stood a chance. Comforting only to the point where I can't wonder what all I did wrong like I did and still do with the one I lost 4 years ago.

Hearing all that shocked the hell out of me. I did NOT expect to hear that when I went in there. I expected her to say "Oh the pregnancy test was wrong." Instead she said "It could have been..but.." then goes on for several minutes telling that it probably wasn't that I had lost another baby. She keeps saying that I can definitely have as many babies as I want...and I guess now I see why getting on prenatal vitamins before I get pregnant and lowering my caffeine intake is so important. Although...I still can't help but blame myself.

Cousin Bimbo is still vying for worse mother of the decade. She went to see her kids for about 10 minutes at her parents' house for her daughter's birthday and then tricked the kids into getting in the bath tub for a bath then sneaked out and didn't come back. Nice huh??

Uncle Rich is still alive and kicking. My mother thinks he won't die anytime soon and it sure sounds that way. He hasn't come down here any which is fine with me. Nothing against him but with the vultures acting the way they have and wanting others to take care of him while they wait for him to die so they can get an inheritance..I can just hear the calls now from them wanting my mother to come over or guilt tripping my father to do something. No thanks I'll pass. Let me stay in Maryland and be semi-healthy up there. No offense but the man hasn't done shit for me or my parents in the last 200 years for that matter. I hate that he's sick but that doesn't mean we should just cater to every whim the vultures and him decide they want to impose.

My godfather is really sick. :(( He has liver cancer and from what I'm hearing..he doesn't have much time left. He hasn't had the best of health problems for awhile now but nothing this bad. I don't feel like writing about it now. I'm not even sure I feel like writing right this second at all but part of me wants to and feel like I should.

My father has more college games scheduled. Yay for him but I just see it as him not being here for several days again. It's kinda strange but he seems to be paying more attention to me. Not sure what brought it on but he seems to be a bit more chatty and interested in talking to me. Not about me though..about him and people he knows mostly but hey it's a start I guess.

My mother is getting a cold..first time in years she's been sick. I've only known her to get sick about 3 times in my life. She says she doesn't let herself get sick but she's been stressing about my godfather (who is her best friend's husband) and working a lot, I think it's finally taking it's toll. Not to mention the weather around here completely sucks and is showing no signs of improving until summer!!

I haven't heard from Skinny Minnie in about a month..oh well. The Navy Ass is out to sea for awhile so she should be on cloud 9 until he gets back.

I'm about 2 months from turning 25..TWENTY FIVE!!??! How the hell did that happen?!?!?!

I'm working on writing every day again. I miss writing every day. That almost sounds weird to say.

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