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Update Update Update

Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2003 - 8:34 p.m.

Update..update, time for another one of my FAMOUS updates. ;))

I guess for once I should start with updating on what's going on with me. My mother and I broke the streak of not fighting by having a battle for control over my life this passed Sunday. She decided that since I said I was going to go to the dentist soon that SHE should be the one to decide when I go and called to schedule an appointment for THIS WEDNESDAY!! However, she doesn't tell me this until just this PASSED Sunday. Isn't that nice of her?? She then freaks out because I wanted to change the appointment until when I wanted to go..not when SHE wanted me to go. So a big battle errupts with me insisting I am an adult and I can decide when I go to the damn dentist. I'm 24 years old..not 24 months. I have doubts that my mother realizes this.

Well the fighting continues where she says I am acting like a child. Well..I have one thing to say to that: was not..was not!! hehehe Seriously though it was pissing me off that she was treating me like a kid and going off on me because I wanted to make my own damn appointment. Then she starts going off saying I would probably just not go or "forget". Granted I don't like going to the dentist, but who does really?? She also gives the "I'm leaving, not coming back for a long time and not telling ANYONE where I am." speech. I swear I have heard that so many times that while she said it I was mumbling it at the same time. That wasn't to mock her but to show how many times she has said it. Then the name calling starts, I get madder, finally she says that I'm messed up in the head. Well the bickering continues for awhile. I get one really good comment in that even now I am proud of. I told her if that if I WAS messed up in the head..then I didn't get there alone!! For the record by the way..I got the appointment cancelled and will be rescheduled when I want it to be.

The fighting eventually ended and Dec21 and I went to get something to eat, and I bought a peace offering for her. She used to always do it and still does. Whenever she has said something mean or was mean in general she almost always goes out and gets something. Call it a bribe if you will. Once she went out all mad at me and came back in the middle of the night with a movie she had just bought me. Well, I got her a 6 dollar magazine. I will admit that part of me wanted to make her feel a bit guilty about it. We go to my parents' house and I give her the magazine. She asks me to take it back!! I was like WHAT??!?!! You can't do that!! You can't take back a magazine after you buy it. What are you supposed to say?? It's the wrong size?? It makes me look fat?? I mean come on. Not to mention I was insulted that she would even ask. Finally she said she felt guilty that I bought it for her and agreed to keep it. Well mission accomplished there but jeez..I felt really offended that she would even suggest taking it back. As if they'd even take it back. Although to be honest she COULD have offered to pay some on it. ;)) However, I did say that instead of calling it a peace offering..she could call it a late Mother's Day present. That she happily agreed to.

Speaking of shopping, another shopping incident happened today. Dec21 and I went to one of those dollar stores. Actually I went in, Dec21 stayed in the car. Well I bought some stuff totaling about 3 dollars. Well the creepy Norman Bates rip off guy working there didn't give me 5 of the dollars back that he was supposed to. I gave a 20 and he gave me 2 5's and a 1. Well stupid here didn't notice it until about 5 minutes later so we went back and talked to him. I tried making a few jokes about how stupid I was not to notice. The guy just talking or anything..not even cracking a smile. Taking a shower with that guy within 100 feet I would never do. Well he went to get Mother Bates..I mean the manager and for some unknown reason they just gave me 4 dollars back. I would have bitched some more but I was just glad to get out of there before Norman Bates decided to go postal. He did however apologize a few times. What do you know?? The guy speaks!!

Dec21 is on a writing frenzy. He's writing story after story. I keep telling him he should try to get some of them published. They are really quite good and I think they'd stand an excellent chance of getting published. Maybe I should just print a few of them out and send them around, get some more opinions and maybe see if I can get them published for him. His lack of belief that they would get published and by letting others reading them is stopping him from doing it himself. I KNOW he would love to get them published..he admits that..he just can't bring himself to try to do it. Sounds like a job for SUPER WIFE!! ;)))

My father is still a diet pill junkie who because of the rain is mowing the yard more times in one month then he used to have to in an entire summer. Ha-ha..and he thought his retirement would be EASY!! As for the diet's still supposed to be a hush hush secret that no one else is allowed to know about..yet he and my mother insist that there's nothing wrong with what he's doing. That confuses me. If they don't want anyone to know, why say it's no big deal about him actually taking the pills?? Double standard city here is what I say!!

My mother's shoulder is almost completely better now. Yay!! She had us wondering for awhile when she could hardly move it when she was supposed to go back to work. She's turned into a novel a week reader now. She has mystery novels spread out all over her house. No offense but they are all about the same thing aren't they?? Someone is killed, someone has to find out who did it and the whole book is spent trying to figure it out why figuring out who DIDN'T do it, then finding out at the end who did do it. Sheesh just read the first couple chapters, make a guess and read the last chapter. Save yourself some time and money. Now I'm not saying ALL books are like that but these who did it mysteries are.

I sent Skinny Minnie's birthday card and called to ask her to call me when she got it. For the record, she didn't. She called during her break last week but didn't even mention the card..not even a thank you. In the card though, I wrote a long message inside the card full of things I claimed were true but was actually things I WISH were true!! For example I claimed (like I always do when the subject comes up) that she was my best friend after Dec21. That was a lie right there. She hasn't had that high a rank in several years..about the time the Navy Ass came around and she turned into a Navy Ass butt kisser. She's thinking of taking a second job once her internship starts so she can get extra money. She said she wants HER money. I told her instead of killing herself with 2 jobs, taking care of her son and the house why not just save some money from the job she was working at. She said "No I can't do that..(Navy Ass) will spend it on something for him." I told her to put in an account with just her name. She said "No, (Navy Ass) won't like that." Oh yeah the Navy Ass has REALLY improved from the supreme asshole he was before they got married. Jeez I hate that guy.

Cousin Motor Mouth is out drinking all night, moving out of her parents' house, moving back in, moving out then back in and leaving a trail of rubber checks behind her. You know..of both her and her sister (Cousin Bimbo) I didn't figure this one would be the one to bounce checks. Go figure.

Speaking of Cousin Bimbo..she has left her abusive husband AGAIN and is now in an apartment somewhere in the middle of nowhere and has given up the mommy game. She has already given up her oldest kid to his father and has now given up on the youngest. Gee I NEVER would have seen that coming!! Note the sarcasm. Her mother is trying to get custody of the little girl who in my opinion will probably wind up in foster care for the rest of her life. Cousin Bimbo doesn't want her..her abusive husband is a big asshole who has hit her numerous times while holding the little girl and her mother (my first cousin) is on about a million drugs that she looks to be in a trance most of the time. Oh yeah I can REALLY see a judge giving a 2 year old little girl to one of them. NOT!!

An elderly couple that used to live next to my mother while growing up has been like honoray grandparents to me and my mother. They've been married over 60 YEARS and the husband is having some problems. I'll call them "Fred" and "Wilma". (I guess I'll be updating the cast page tonight ;)) ) This couple is SO nice and sweet you can't help but like them a lot. Up until recently he volunteered his time at his lodge to help on Bingo nights. She makes wigs for cancer survivors and made some baby clothes for premature babies. She even made me some baby clothes for when Dec21 and I have kids. They do a lot more but that's what I mostly remember. Neither of them take any money for all this and the other good things they do. Nearly 90 years old and they are still doing as much as they can for people. They also appear to be just as much in love as ever. Never an unkind word has been heard from them.

Well Fred has heart trouble for awhile now and apparently it has gotten worse. The arteries are all 75% or more blocked around his heart. He's too old for surgery. If they tried to do surgery Fred would die on the table in a second. So basically they are just going to give him medication and that's it. Actually what it feels like to me, (and I have said this to Dec21 and my mother) is that this is basically a waiting game. We have to wait for Fred to either die or get better and wait for something else that will get him. This news has not appeared to affect Fred much. He's still outside doing whatever he wants, including mowing his yard. Yeah great idea when you have major heart problems. My parents offered to go over there and mow the yard for him but Wilma said no. I keep telling my parents he doesn't want to admit he's too old and too weak to do it. It's a matter of pride. Letting someone else do things for him will force him to admit he can no longer do it or much of anything else he so loves to do. My parents don't believe me when I say this but what else could it be??

I really don't want Fred to die. I really don't..but this sounds very familar to when Skinny Minnie's father had a heart attack. At the time I didn't know it but they said they couldn't do surgery because there was too much damage and they gave a list of things for him to do and not do and that was it. Her father died on Christmas Eve that year. So basically after his heart was just a waiting game to see what happens next. That's exactly what this feels like. Part of me feels like any day now the phone is going to ring and it's going to be found out that Fred has died.

What really worries me the most about this is Wilma. Wilma and Fred are inseparable. They are SO close and love each other SO much I don't know what will become of her if Fred dies. The same goes for him if Wilma dies. I guess maybe she would go live with one of her children or maybe they'd come to live with her. You know these stories where they say someone dies and their spouse dies not long afterwards of a broken heart?? I think that's what will happen to Wilma if Fred dies.

You know...over 60 years together is definitely a gift to be treasured. So many couples don't get that. It doesn't matter though..whether you're together 60+ years or 1 year..when the time comes it's no easier...same number of tears will be shed..same pain in the chest as the heart is broken will still be there. I wish I could do more to help other than talking and offering a hug and flowers.

By the way, I took this picture awhile back and I've been meaning to add it to my portfolio. I thought after the depressing couple paragraphs at the end of this entry it might be nice to put this picture up to try to lighten the mood a bit. What do you think??

UPDATE & 1:44am August 13th, 2003: The cast page has been updated.

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