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A Nice Big Long Update

Monday, Sept. 22, 2003 - 10:39 p.m.

Eight days without an entry. Well it wasn't for lack of trying. While getting over the bronchitis and taking care of Dec21 while he went thru a sinus infection and now a cold I managed to find a few free moments to try to write an entry just for the computer to mess up in the middle. The idea of rewriting what I had written plus more would quickly leave me until later. But anyways here's an entry to update the world on my life here in the middle of nowhere in a small town that is trying desperately to become a city.

As I said before Dec21 has a cold right now and he just got over a sinus infection a few days ago. I told him he's getting sick twice in a row because he goes around saying "I never get sick." and he said it too many times. I'm still coughing but I'm feeling better than I was.

Skinny Minnie was about to get slammed in every direction by Hurricane Isabel but at the last minute she decided to go to her mother's. I talked to her this passed Friday night and she said she may be going home on Sunday. I told her I'd love it if her, her son and her mother could drop in for a visit. She said she would call me Saturday and let me know what the plans were. Well Saturday was my wedding anniversary..6 years so I told her she may have to leave a message on voice mail because we were going out on Saturday.

Well...she calls all right. She calls at 3pm saying she's about 30 minutes away and wants to come visit NOW for awhile. EXCUSE ME?!?!!? Did she not hear what I said the day before?? Not to mention give a girl a bit more notice than 30 minutes ESPECIALLY when it's her anniversary and plans have already been made!!

I told her to come over to my parents' house..mainly because her son would have more room to play, more toys and I wouldn't have to try to clean our house in record time. Dec21 and I went to my parents' house which my mother bitched a bit that I hadn't washed my hair just before coming over. Keep in mind this is the same woman who bitches if I go out with my hair wet. Just how did she think I would have time to wash my hair, get dressed, dry my hair, fix it, put on make up and get all the way to her house in half way. I think NOT!!

Anyways, Skinny Minnie, her son and her mom came over and I swear I fall more in love with that kid every time I see him. He's SO cute and extremely sweet. He stuck to me like glue and I enjoyed every milisecond of it. He told Skinny Minnie he wanted to stay with me and that Dec21 could go home with her. In fact when she was getting ready to leave he pointed at Dec21 and said "no he's going." It was SO sweet. He hugged me, cuddled up to me outside and wanted me to look at the clouds with him and gave me tons of kisses. He kept taking my hand wanting me to walk with him or take him to the bathroom. It was the best time I've ever had with him.

When they were getting ready to leave Skinny Minnie said we could go out to dinner with them. Excuse me but it was OUR anniversary..and my parents were planning a nice family dinner out. Skinny Minnie's little boy..who is 3 and a half kept asking her if I was going with them..and he came with me in the house and said "Will you come with us?? Pleeeease." That cute face was impossible to resist and Dec21 nor my parents were saying anything against going so I said okay. Then he was excited and was jumping up and down very happily and wanted me to ride with him. He started crying when I said I couldn't but I told him we'd meet him there. That helped some. After dinner they were getting ready to leave and he didn't want to go. He wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist and refused to let go. It was SO sweet, I loved it but I couldn't help being sad, wishing he could stay. Everytime her son leaves I can't help but be sad, but this time it was worse. I almost cried. I didn't want to let him go.

To tell the truth, I wish he was ours. I would love to raise him. If Skinny Minnie offered him to us I'd take him in a second. I KNOW I could be a better mother than her. She ignores him all the time. The only time she gave him any real attention during the visit was to yell at him for something.

As for Skinny Minnie..she's..well..looking different. Her hair is now carrot orange and it's taking a bit of getting used to. I feel closer to her son than I do to her and to be honest that doesn't bother me AS MUCH as it probably should. Dinner wasn't too bad. We had to wait about an hour to get seated..about half an hour to get the first part of our meals and it took an hour to eat. We were there 2 and a half hours in a loud resturant that plays loud music 24/7. Skinny Minnie kept asking me to ask the waitress to do this and do that. Mostly it was stuff for her son. Finally I said "Can I ask you something?? Do you have a condition that causes you to lose your voice anytime the waitress is nearby??" She laughed and said "Well I forget when she comes." Yeah I suppose that's the technical phrase for "I'm lazy."

As we were saying good bye and her son was in the car after he and I exchanged numerous hugs and kisses, she said "Give me a hug." My response was "Oh I have to hug you too??" That was mostly sarcasm but to tell you the truth I got so caught up in spending time with her son that I completely forgot that she and I hug at the end of every visit. Speaking of which, I'm curious what started all that. For 19 years she and I NEVER hugged. She was always paranoid about it looking strange for two people of the same sex to hug or do anything like that..then all of a sudden before she moved in with her now asshole husband she gave me several she hugs me everytime she seems me. What's up with that?? It doesn't bother me really..just surprising I guess. What does surprise me a bit was ALL day long she didn't say "Happy Anniversary", give any kind of present or card OR even acknowledge that it was our anniversary except when she told the Navy Ass on the phone when he called.

Now as for other updates. One of the vultures, Loopy, called my father last night and as we were walking in my parents' house my father said "You have a phone call." Yep that's father was apparently sick of talking to his vulture sister and threw the hot potato over to me. How nice of him..NOT!! Well I talked to her for about 20 minutes. She wanted to vent about in laws..a problem we both seem to have..then we talked about a soap opera we watch and other things. My father didn't want to tell me who it was but my mother was kind enough to tell me. When I picked up the phone she said "Do you know who this is??" in a tone that sounded like someone asking a 5 year old what Santa Claus brought them for Christmas. Well I held in what I really wanted to say and said "Well I think it's one of my father's sisters that I like." You would think that would be a compliment of sorts..however she said "Just like?? You should love her!! She loves you." Uggghh gag me with a spoon. I told her I did love her even though I just know somewhere a lightning bolt with my name on it was looking for me.

I'm not sure which is worse. The fact that she talks about 100 miles a minute or that she talks in such a low voice you start wishing you could get loud speakers when you talk to her. She knows I've never been a huge fan of my name and talked about changing it as soon as I was old enough to say it. Well she went on saying how I can't change my name..that I am named after her and I have to keep the name in the family..keep the tradition and whatever going. Yeah whatever. Her name isn't even really close to mine and my parents both looked at me as if I had snakes crawling out of my ears when I told them what she said.

During the talking about in laws she said she has a conscious. Yeah right. I was SO tempted to say "Yeah right you lying, cruel, manipulative bitch. But I didn't. At the end of the conversation she said she wanted to talk to me again and for me to call her. She said she's home pretty much all the time. She wanted me to say about when I would call. Oh gee I don't know...when I'm completely bored, in the mood to torture myself a bit and when talking to her becomes not quite as bad as hot pokers being shoved up my ass. As for the last part, that shouldn't take too long with her.

I can't believe it's the end of September. How the hell did that happen?? I'm curious if more hurricanes are going to come this year. Isabel had me a bit freaked out then I was like bring it on. I thought we were going to get a couple nasty storms but all we got was a little wind and a rain shower. Not to downplay what happened but Isabel was such a letdown compared to all the hype it got. Oh well..I'm not going to complain. The less bad weather this world gets the better if you ask me.

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