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A Really Nice Long Update..With Commentary

Monday, Dec. 01, 2003 - 12:11 p.m.

It's time for a nice long update. You know one of those where I talk about a shit load of things that have happened, is happening and will happen and give my opinions that would probably get me in trouble if I said out loud to too many people?? Yep that's what this entry will be. I actually enjoy writing these.

For starters I got to host my very first Thanksgiving. It was kinda exciting actually. The most I've ever done for Thanksgiving is make the pumpkin pies, mash a few potatoes, eat a few things that others cooked and then eat something else that I liked better. This year though I got to cook what I wanted, how I wsanted and everything. From the comments I got, I seemed to have done well. My mother gave me a lot of compliments, Dec21 gave quite a few as well and my father..well he had to be reminded to say something. I even liked it and that's a first for me. I usually don't eat much for Thanksgiving and I have certaintly never made a huge meal like that before.

As for the making of it all..well..I was nervous. Having to cook the turkey wasn't very much fun. Before it was cooked it was all slimey and I swear I saw turkey guts inside it. I had NO problem doing everything else but that turkey just freaked me out like crazy. I said that this was making me want to become a vegetarian more and more. I made NO secret of the fact that I was getting grossed out and wanting to just go out and buy a turkey already made. My mother kept saying "it's your's your bird." Finally I said sarcasticly "There's been no DNA confirmation of that." I thought it was rather funny. Making comments like that kept me from losing it while preparing it to go in the oven.

You know the phrase "If it seems too good to be true it probably is."?? Boy did I ever find that out a few days ago. A couple months ago we bought my parents a DVD player for Christmas. We bought it at a video store that included 12 free rentals for it. The price was 50 dollars and the free rentals made it more than worth it. We decided to open it early and get a little bit of a preview to how well it would work. Well damn it if that damn DVD player didn't half ass work.

We called the video store, told them we wanted a refund and they said no problem as long as we had the receipt. We told them when we bought it that by the time it would be opened it would be passed the 30 day warranty but they had no problem with that. Yeah sure..probably just saying that to get a sale or didn't have a clue what they were talking about. Anyways..we went out there during a few spare minutes we had on Thanksgiving. The dumb ass there said "Ummm I can't do this, only the manager can and she won't be in today." Excuse me..but WHY THE HELL COULDN'T HE HAVE SAID THAT ON THE DAMN PHONE?!?!?!

Well we take the DVD player back with us and we go to the day after Thanksgiving sales. We went with my parents and we put the DVD player in their trunk thinking we could drop it by there after the shopping. Well the damn store didn't open until 10am and we were done by 9 and my mother refused to wait. So we take it HOME...AGAIN. I was really getting annoyed at this point.

My mother calls the video store. She decides she wants to bitch a bit at the manager and to whoever else will listen. The manager says that the warranty has passed on it and they WON'T take it back. Well that just pissed me off even more and it pissed my mother off so she promptly told the manager a few choice words. It didn't help my mood any that we had also bought another DVD player..a cheaper one I'd like to add at another place. A much more reliable place. Finally the manager said she'd call the district manager and to call back in an hour. Okay sure whatever. If this manager is who I think it is..oh boy..she's a megabitch and doesn't hide it either. She's like an ice cream pop. Frozen solid all around, inside and out with a big stick up her ass.

My mother calls later on and says that she spoke to the manager and they WILL take it back. Damn right they will. My mother and I don't get along sometimes but make us allies on something and we turn into the baddest bitches on the planet. Dec21 and I took the DVD player back and guess what. The dumb bitch had "just left". Surprise..surprise..surprise. The guy that was there spent about 10 minutes trying to give a refund. Finally..and I have NO idea why or how he did this..but he started doing it in 3 transactions. It came to be about 15-20 dollars a time. He didn't ask for the free rentals coupons so I guess that's our "sorry we're such low IQ'd pricks who don't know our ass from a rubber ball" compensation.

Speaking of the day after Thanksgiving sales. OH MY GOD!! It was like a damn zoo!! I prefer to call them the insanity races. That's basically what they are. People getting up in the middle of the night so they can go to several stores and acting like a bunch of wild animals to get a few good deals on items they don't REALLY need and clawing and shoving each other just to get them. Yes I can admit that Dec21 and I have participated in this annual event but we don't go as crazy as some people get. You can't even walk in some of these places. It feels like you're going the wrong way down a one way highway during rush hour.

I heard about a woman in Florida who got trampled into unconsciousness over a 30 dollar DVD player. By the time the ambulance and police got there she was on top of a DVD player, unconscious still and just about everyone oblivious to her. Is this a message we really want our kids to see and hear about?? That it's okay to cause injury and possibly worse to a total stranger just to save a few bucks and then just walk away without caring to see if they're okay??

My mother's aunt is back in the hospital. The one that is such a bitch she would make the Grinch look like Santa Claus's twin brother and who they said had a stroke the same day her husband did. Damn I need to give this woman a nickname since I've been talking about her a lot in this journal. I think I'll call her "Aunt Bitchy".

Anyways, they did a test on her and found out she has 90% blockage around her heart. She has two choices..if you can even call them that. The first choice is to do nothing and basically be on a timer that only God knows when will expire. She'll try to live a normal life and just one day up and die without warning. The second choice is to have surgery they MAY do some help..however there's a damn good chance she'll die on the table and even if by chance she survives the surgery she has been told both of her kidneys will completely shut down and she'll be on dialysis the rest of her life. Shitty choices if you ask me. She told my mother right off the bat she did NOT want after talking to another doctor (who isn't even an expert but more of a knife happy surgeron who apparently LOVES money) told her she has a pretty good chance if she has surgery. Yeah you knife happy Jason Voorhees wannabe I'm sure you DO want her to have surgery so you can get more money. Forget what the cardiologist said to her. Even though this is HIS field I'm sure YOU know everything right??

Apparently she has decided to have the surgery now and I can't help but wonder if she's doing that because that is what she wants or because she was conned into it by that doctor or guilted into it by her kids. Her kids are allegedly feeling so happy and relieved now and last I heard Aunt Bitchy is a wreck and scared as hell. I would be too. Imagine what the 24 hours before surgery would be like. You find out you will either never wake up OR you'll basically be an invalid the rest of your life. That's a shitty position to be and I'm not sure even she deserves it. I KNOW her kids don't deserve to go thru this. For the most part I like her kids. She IS a bitch God THIS mad at her?? God knows I have been this mad at her before but it still doesn't seem right or fair.

She's in surgery now and my mother is going to call when there's an update. I know I will sound heartless when I say this but when I think about her doctors saying she probably won't survive the surgery..I keep thinking of all those times actors say that in soap operas and other shows and how then the character magically survives in almost record time. Am I a bad person to think that??

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