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Update On Everyone

Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002 - 7:32 p.m.

Yes it's that time again when I write about what a lot of people in my life are doing. As for me, I tell just about everything that happens to me on a regular basis so I won't be a main focus of this entry. Even though I KNOW I'm such an interesting subject!! Just kidding. One thing I will say about me is that I updated the cast page. Yay me huh??


Dec21's birthday is on Saturday. Decemebr 21st (duh) he'll be 34 and he honestly does not look it. He looks the same as he did when I met him and he looked early 20's then. He's been writing stories left and right and getting tons of praise for them. I've read some of them and they aren't bad at all. As always, I pester him to try to get them published. Sometimes I wonder if I should send them in as a surprise and see if they get published. Speaking of writing..I wish he would update his journal.


My mother is still not back to work yet, although she is making improvements. She has until the middle of January to get better or where she works can fire her. I think that's a bunch of shit. My mother has been at that place for almost 13 years, and almost NEVER calls in. She even works a lot of her days off and this is the thanks she gets?? She got told yesterday that when she comes back she can't have any restrictions. Yeah sure whatever..make it next to impossible why don't you??

Yesterday she had a severe headache and it's just now starting to go away. It scared the hell out of me. My mother's father died of an anerysum about 20 years ago and I worried she was getting the same problem. She has talked to someone who says anerysums aren't hereditary but it still worries me. Especially since my grandfather's twin sister also died of an anerysum. My mother went to the doctor today, got some medicine that's giving her a nice buzz and she said she's feeling better. I was beginning to think God was trying to test me. Finding out it's not an anerysum made me VERY happy. My mother and I fight every now and then..okay sometimes..all right more often than I care to admit to..but I still love her like crazy and don't want anything to happen to her.


My father's sweet clone is still here. Dec21 and I came over this morning to wait for my mother to come home after going to the doctor. Well after she came in, all 3 of us fell asleep. My father came home and noticed we were all asleep and put a blanket over me. Color me shocked!! Just what is my father after?? Why is he suddenly being so nice and caring??


The asshole from hell called the other day. Apparently the elderly woman who died a couple months who lived near us left my mother some money. It wasn't a whole lot since she had been in a nursing home the last 5-6 years of her life. It was about 130 dollars. Hey just the fact that my mother was included in the will shocks me. Although it shouldn't considering my mother went over to her house and took care of the woman and her husband anytime they needed it. It must have really got under Gily's skin that my mother was not only in the will..but as an EQUAL beneficiary as him. Ha-ha to Gily!! Justice has been served.


I KNEW I liked him!! He sent Dec21 a birthday card and both of us a Christmas card. Yes both of us, he even spelled my name exactly right which for some reason was an impossible task for some of my teachers when I was in school. He also put a check in there for 250 dollars!! To be honest though, the fact that my father in law put my name on the card means more than the money. It made me SO happy to see he had put my name in the card. So I guess I can forget he didn't do it on the thank you card last weekend. Dec21 called him this evening to say thank you and told him how happy it made me that he put my name in the card. His response was "Well I'm glad I could make her happy. She IS my only daughter in law." Awwwwww why can't Dec21's mother remember that?? I thought it was SO sweet that my father in law said that. I told Dec21 to tell him that hopefully I'd be the only daughter in law he ever has. After he did my father in law said to Dec21 to "make sure this is the only one you have." Awwwww. I think that's a sign of approval from him!! He then said he thinks Dec21 and me are going to make it. Damn straight!! It's nice to see SOMEONE from Dec21's side of the family WANTS him and me to be together.

Also here is some good news for me..with all this good stuff going on..I am FINALLY in the Christmas spirit!! Yay!! Even though I am a little depressed thinking about the baby. But I'm going to try to not think about that right now. I'm too determined to stay in the Christmas spirit.

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