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Update On My Godfather

Friday, Feb. 20, 2004 - 9:54 p.m.

Well it's official. 90% of doctors in this world are incompetant pricks. The idiot doctor 2 hours away that my godfather was going to see went out of town for a week then didn't call for a couple days and then claimed he never got my godfather's records then said "oh sorry they were on the shelf the whole time." What an idiot!!!

Finally my godmother loaded up on my godfather in an ambulance and they went to an emergency room a couple hours from here. I say good for her!!! The doctors she talks to are either incompetant asses, unable to help because they don't have the medical records from the asses or they have just given up hope all what other choice did she have?? Sit around and watch my godfather slowly die?!?!?

Well they actually saw him and they did a bunch of tests. They are planning to do surgery on Monday to remove 70% of his liver which will either kill him on the table, save his life or at least extend it a bit and give him less suffering. If they don't do the surgery at all, then there is nothing else to do but sit and wait for my godfather to die. He will have no chance of surviving. To top it all off, they also think something MIGHT be wrong with his heart due to the EKG test they did.

This whole thing with my godfather is like an emotional roller coaster that starts at the top and just keeps going further and further down with very few ups in it's path.

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