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The Vultures From Hell

Thursday, Sept. 11, 2003 - 9:42 p.m.

I'm adding the following to my cast page but considering I'm about to write an entire entry on these vultures from hell I thought I'd put this up in the entry to give a clear idea of who these people I'm about to bitch about are. Seven of these people are my father's sisters, the other is my father's brother. My father is the youngest and trust me these vultures (the sisters, not really the brother) make sure to treat him as such. These aren't their real names but the nicknames kinda fit them.


Archie Bunker would call this woman a ding bat and he'd be exactly right. She's the one who said "Aww half way there." when she found out about the baby.


I thought she was gay and I actually asked her if she was. Needless to say she didn't appreciate that too much and called my father bitching about me. Well how was I to know?? She's never been married and when she came to our wedding she grinned (like a cat who ate a canary) as she handed me a card and said it was from her and her girlfriend.


This woman I haven't decided how I feel about completely. She's usually nice..however at our wedding she took back her present right there at the reception because we were getting presents LIKE what she got. She promised to replace it but she has yet to do so.


The nickname fits her pretty well. Spiteful, self centered and an all around bitch. I barely see this woman and I can't say it bothers me.


She looks like a ditz if you ever see her in person. She seems to get a kick out of poking fun out of everyone. Within 5 minutes of talking to her she'll find something about you to laugh at. Note the word AT not WITH.


This woman can give you a look that makes you feel like she thinks you're the stupidest, weirdest and craziest person in the entire world all at once.


I don't know this woman very well at all. Maybe once that I actually remember. I've been told she was wild when she was younger. Okay..sure whatever. The last time I saw her everyone was saying she was going to die any day. Well that was 7 years ago..she's still alive.


My father's only full blooded brother. (their father knew how to spread the seed) He's basically a hermitt and if you put him in a line up with about 4 other guys, I wouldn't be able to tell you which one is him.

The vultures are exactly that...vultures. They travel in packs and swarm at you like they want to pick you dry, drive you crazy and then leave quickly without a second thought. They seem to be at their worst when someone is either dying or already dead. Dec21 used to think the name "vulture" was a bit harsh but after seeing them and getting to know them over the years, he believes my nickname for them fits perfectly. My father for some reason will still talk to them and tolerate their bullshit. My mother does her best to avoid them but puts on a happy face when they are around. As for me, that's pretty much what I do..avoid them as much as possible but give an eat shit and die smile while they are nearby.

I have discovered just how evil these vultures are over the last few days. I shouldn't have been surprised but I was, and still am. I didn't think they had it in them to be THIS cruel. Apparently about 20 years ago my father's father was in the hospital trying to recover from a severe heart attack. Well, the vultures, excluding my father and Looker decided to go to my grandparents' house and play "spring cleaning". They ALLEGED they wanted to get the house clean for their father to come home. BULLSHIT!! They took just about everything!! They took all of my grandparents' things..even things that belonged to my grandmother that she had been collecting for years!! They even took the refridgerator. And what did they do with it all?? Well let's see, the things they considered to be "valuable" they kept and took to their houses. What they thought wasn't worth much to them, they packed in a truck and took it to the dump and threw it all away. They threw old papers, money that my grandmother had stored in little places, her knick nacks, stamps, name it and they took it!!

Where was my grandmother?? Outside the house crying, screaming and begging them to stop. But they wouldn't. They did all this right in front of her without listening to her cries. Well I take that back, they listened to her cries..they yelled at her and told her to get out of the way. She was yelling and crying, begging someone to call the police..but no one did. My mother was there but figured it wasn't her place to get involved and figured the vultures would just cause more trouble. My grandmother's mouth was SO dry from crying and yelling her lips were dried up and cracked.

Now I can see if they wanted to clean up a bit but they took just about everything!! Even things that meant a great deal to my grandmother. They only left like the kitchen sink and maybe a little furniture. How could someone do this to their own mother?!?!?! They spent 3 days cleaning that house out!! And some of them just yelled at her, talked to her hatefully and kept telling her to get out of their way. Hearing that just made me want to cry and get revenge for my grandmother. If only I was old enough at the time to have done something for her.

Well it gets worse. I found out also that Catty decided, without consulting anyone, to take my grandfather out of the hospital, not take him home but to her house miles away from anyone. If that wasn't bad enough she denied anyone the right to see him for a week. She wouldn't even let my grandmother come see him. Then she called my mother and insisted she come right now and come take care of my grandfather. My mother said her, my father, my grandmother and me were coming later that day but she said NOW. Well my mother, grandmother and I went, my father had to work. Well we got there and Catty was SO hateful and said my mother would have to come over 3 days a week to take care of him which my mother refused to do. Catty wasn't pleased. Also my grandmother was thirsty and Wiley tried getting her a drink of juice. Catty said "NO she can't have any!! That's for Daddy." Finally Catty said "Well I'm not giving up my part time job for this, I'm out of here." So she left..fine, good riddence. Although you have to wonder why she wanted her father there if she wasn't going to do anything to take care of him. As it turns out my grandfather died that night. Because Catty was such a bitch my father didn't get to see his father one more time or say good bye..a lot of people were denied the right to say good bye to him because of what she did. Did she care?? NOOOO.

My grandmother died a few years later. Before she died she wanted to go see her children. At the time she was living with my parents and me most of the time. I was 7 at the time. Well my grandmother wanted to spend the night with Loopy. Loopy did NOT welcome her with open arms. She kicked her out of her house and locked the door behind her. My grandmother forgot her purse and Loopy handed it to her thru the window. She wouldn't even let her back in the house. My grandmother died a few days later. God only knows the pain she must have felt at the hands of the vultures. Just trying to guess the amount of pain they caused her makes my blood boil. I wish I could have done something for her or she had lived long enough for me to give her the love and understanding her bitch daughters never did.

Now since my grandmother has died, my grandparents' house has stayed on the lot. It was near condemned for quite awhile. Dix spent some money and had it fixed up and one of her sons lives in it now. Now I personally don't care much for this son but the fact that Dix spent a lot of money fixing the house up and her son keeping the house up should count for something...shouldn't it?? Well..apparently not.

We found out recently that Rich is dying. The doctors say he'll either live 2 weeks or 2 years..who knows?? The guy is in another state and near his children. What do the vultures want to do?? They want to go get Rich, bring him to my grandparents' house and move him in there. Dix's son can either move out or take care of Rich. Oh wow, what wonderful choices. The house is in all my grandparents' children's names. So the ones who are against this..namely my father and Dix are outvoted and can't say anything. We all know where this is going now don't we?? The house is closest to where Dix lives so the other vultures are going to dump Rich in the house, clear their conscience, try to get a few brownie points with Rich and make Dix take care of Rich until he dies. Now I'm not a HUGE fan of Dix but she is better than some of the other vultures. I don't see how this is fair at all.

Oh, and it gets better. The vultures don't want ANYONE outside of the family to know Rich is sick. Well gee, I think the fact that the guy is missing from his daily routines. People are going to start to wonder. And what about when Rich dies?? Do the vultures think it WON'T be in the newspaper?? Come on!! What's really sick is they aren't doing it to try to protect Rich or make things easier on Rich. They are doing it for themselves. Their own pride and paranoia is causing this. It's so digusting.

Well guess what..I'm not ashamed or going to hide from the truth. I do NOT sugar coat the details or have enough pride for 20 people. I tell the world the truth in here whether they want to hear it or not. I don't get ashamed of a few details. I don't get embarressed and I won't create or take part in any coverups, backstabbing or acts of cruelty. I actually care and my heart is not ice cold and only concerned with seflishness and greed. So take that you evil vultures from hell.


Can I start hoping I'm adopted again?!?!? Or maybe I should stop hoping my father was.

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