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Update On The Vultures & Their MASTER PLAN

Saturday, Sept. 13, 2003 - 11:21 p.m.

The evil vultures have yet to relent. Loopy, Crabby, Looker and Rocky went to go see Rich this passed week. They still want to move him down here and basically have everyone BUT them taking care of him. According to Dix, Rich's daughter is saying Rich will be ready to travel soon and she said she's going to bring him down here and leave him in my grandparents' old house and then go home..pretty much without a second thought. Now who is going to take care of him?? From what Dix is saying Rich's daughter avoided that question but then said "Oh you all can pitch in and take care of him." Translation: "Anyone but me..thanks, bye." Well Dix has made it clear she won't do it and my mother has said she and my father won' I guess the other vultures will have to do it. Yeah right. They'll come to see him ONCE then no one will see them again until the funeral where they can all shed crocidile tears and go on about how wonderful Rich was and..blah..blah blah. They are so fake it should be a felony.

I consider it ironic that they are dumping him in a house that no one will be living in (since Dix's son is going to be kicked out), Dix works and she's having to take care of her husband who is having heart problems and there is only one other sibling that lives nearby and she can't even get out of the house by herself. Why not put him in a city that 3 of them live at?? Sorry I forgot..then THEY would have to take care of him themselves. I think it's also appalling how his own children is acting. We found out that Rich does have some money saved and I'd bet his children want to dump him hundreds of miles from them instead of in a nursing home up there is because they're afraid the nursing home will take all their inheritance.

Surely I can't really be related to these people...can I??

Dix has told my father that she wants him to go with her to see Rich next week. Yeah right..don't count on it!! My father has said that he does NOT want to go. He would rather remember Rich the way he was which I can understand. I do worry though that my father may regret that after Rich dies but it's up to him..I just hope the vultures don't try to guilt trip him into going or anything else like they have been known to do.

I also found out a couple other interesting things today. First, Dix is the ONLY one of the vultures who have even called my father to talk to him about what's going on. Maybe they all forgot his number or figured he'd find out in the monthly newsletter..if they even had that. Also, Crabby doesn't know anything about this. She's up north at some extended vacation so she has no clue Rich is dying or that he's going to be moved or anything. Considering what she did to my grandfather, I find that hilarious and poetic justice to say the least.

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