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An American's Opinion

Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 - 11:09 p.m.

I've been waiting for quite awhile to write an entry about this war, so get ready.

What I must write about is Sadamn Insane. This guy is a joke. He's a punchline to every demaning joke known to man. He claims to be all big and bad but as soon as the United States starts attacking he runs under the bed. What a damn wimp. I've heard so many stories of whether or not Captain Insaneo (In-sane-o) is alive or dead and quite frankly here's what I hope. I hope and believe the bastard is alive, he's scared and like his partner in crime Bin Laden, he's sending everyone to do his dirty work. I don't want Insaneo to die..yet. I want him to be caught on camera when he realizes he is so completely screwed there is no way in hell he's going to recover. I want to see that look on Insaneo's face. Put it on pay-per-view and I'll order it. After that, take him to a woodshed and pump him full of lead as he's being castrated.

Now as for this war..I am against it BUT I see why it's needed. I don't like that there are unnecessary deaths and that there will be more. Some people say it'll be worth it when the end result, victory and Insaneo out of power. I say "Maybe, maybe not." Ask some of the families of the military people who have already been killed..see if they will agree. I bet you they won't. I know if someone I really care about died over there, I wouldn't give a damn about the end result.

Another reason I am against it, is that I have a problem going to help a bunch of people who up until a few days ago, did nothing to help themselves. I know they're scared but come on. Why should our country just put a bunch of OUR people in the line of fire to protect a bunch of people who won't fight for their own lives and families?? Now I know that a lot of Iraq civilians are now deciding it's time to take action..well good. It's about damn time. What took them so damn long?? Yeah yeah, I know, it was fear..but you have to wonder about someone who will just lay around and let themselves and their loved ones be killed.

Now I'm not being as vocal about this war as a lot of other people are. Mostly because yes I do see the positive effects this war COULD have..and I see how necessary it is. However..I also see the negative effects this war could have and I'm sorry, but I can't help but worry that the negatives will outweigh the positives. One of the main reasons I'm not being extremely vocal about this war, is because I don't have a better idea on what should be done. I support the president completely and he knows a lot more than I do about what's going on and I'd trust someone with 90% of information on something then I would someone with only about 30% of the information. Also, until he loses reelection, steps down or is impeached he IS our president and if we want our country to be taken seriously and to really stand a chance at winning this war, we have to stand by him. Even if we don't agree with him. So far as I can see he has not done anything horrible yet, he deserves a chance to prove he is a good leader and knows what he is doing. If people keep trashing him and doing everything they can to devalue his leadership, then that's just going to make us look bad, not him. All the other countries will see what's going on and we will be the ones looking like idiots..not Bush. I happen to think Bush is doing a good job..if someone thinks they could do better..then I encourage you to run for president next year.

Now I may be called anti-American for saying all this but I beg to differ. I am very American. I completely support our president and I support our troops. I wear a bracelet 24/7 with the colors of the American flag. I value and treasure each right and freedom that so many fight for every single day. If necessary, I will pick up a gun and fight to the death any terrorist or insane leader on a power trip, who tries to invade our country and alter the freedoms and rights that every person in this country has. I'm very American..and if anyone thinks I am not..get over it!!

Now some people in my opinion are being anti-American. They slam Bush, they hold protests, (which by the way stop the police from being on the lookout for terrorists) and they do whatever they can to make the United States looks like the stupidist country in the world. Yes I know they have freedom of speech..but you would think a little common sense should be required to use that freedom.

To everyone who is quite frankly..being pricks about all this and doing whatever they can to show what asses they are I say this:

If you don't like what Bush and everyone else is doing to protect this country then I suggest you tell everyone YOUR ideas. Make them ideas that could actually work and wouldn't involve nuking an entire country on a whim. The troops are just doing their jobs. Those men and women are risking their lives to protect the very asses you insist on showing off. They are protecting the freedoms and lives that so many evil people are fighting so hard to take away. The Navy Ass got shipped out and he's over there right now. Now I don't like this guy at fact I think he's a major jerk..but I have to respect the man for risking his life for everyone else's. He has an almost 3 year old son and a wife waiting for him at home, and he could very easily just be sitting at home with them complaining about this war..but no. He is out there doing his damnest to protect people and win this war for everyone. Now instead of whining and complaining about this war and how horrible you think Bush is for this about you just say "Thank you" to the soilders and to Bush..and if that's too hard..I suggest you pick up a weapon and pick a spot. Either way I don't give a damn what you think.

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