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What Job Can You Have Where You Can Be Wrong 75% Of The Time & Not Get Fired??

Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2003 - 8:00 p.m.

ANSWER: Weatherman (I heard that from a woman who worked at a video store I was at last week. The answer is sad but true)

Snow..snow..snow..enough already!! The last two years I complained that we weren't getting much to mention when it came to winter weather.'ll never hear me do that again. We've gotten snow/ice just about every week since the beginning of December. Did God hear me complain about Winter and say "Okay, you want a real Winter, you got it.". Last weekend it was calling for 27 inches. My first response was "Oh!!" My second response was "Well it'll be pretty to watch fall and it could be interesting." My next response was back to "Oh!!" As it turned out mother nature listened to the "Oh" because we wound up getting about 2 inches of snow and 2 inches of ice on top of 2-3 inches of snow that was already there. Although none has melted yet so we're still stuck with it. I just know any second I'm going to slip and bust my ass on the ice. I'm actually waiting for it to happen.

I think I've seriously messed up my knee. How I did that I really have no clue. It was hurting off and on for awhile now it seems to hurt anytime it's moved or I walk. It feels a little swollen around the knee and it's like I have no support in it. The pain is like the kneecap is moving around in circles everytime I move and bumps into my leg with each step. I thought limping and not having to put much weight on it would help. However, the pain didn't even fact it increased and I looked kinda silly limping around all over the place. I have to go to the 2 minute doctor sometime in the near future, I guess I'll mention it to her then. That is if I don't cut my leg off by then.

I still haven't heard from Skinny Minnie..what a pity...yeah right. However, I am curious if the Navy Ass has gotten shipped out or when he's going to. Considering she hasn't called every other day like she did last time he was shipped out, I guess it's a safe bet he's at home still. That's fine with me..gets them both out of my hair for awhile.

Valentine's Day was fun. I took Dec21 out to dinner a couple days before to beat the rush at one of our favorite resturants. I wanted to get him a card but unless he's buying them he doesn't get into them as much as I do. He rented me a movie, got me a lot of candy that I like and that my wanting to expand hips love too and a VERY sweet card.

I'm still trying to get back into the habit of writing in this journal every day. With snow all over, being trapped in the house for days and falling back into a depression, it's hard to get motorvated to write more..but I'll keep trying. Yep that's right..I'm falling in a depression again. Maybe it's the winter weather, maybe it's thinking of the baby, maybe it's that my birthday is coming and as strange as this sounds..24 is feeling old to me. Who knows...but hey my anxiety disorder is almost completely under control..actually it is under control..just need to keep it under control.

We're at my parents' house right now for the first time in nearly a week. Speaking of my parents, they aren't getting on my nerves hardly at all lately..what are the odds of that??

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