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Winter Sucks

Sunday, Jan. 26, 2003 - 9:56 p.m.

Tis the season to freeze your ass off..falalala..ahh bah humbug.

This cold weather sucks!! I can deal with a little wind..I can deal with rain..I can deal with some snow and sleet, I can even deal with it if it's all coming at once. And if I try hard, I can deal with a little cold weather. What I can't deal with is having a high temperature for the day be a single digit number and have it be cold for days at a time!! Did someone install an air conditioner into the clouds all over the east coast?? What is with all this cold weather?? Dec21 suggested we move to the state my mother in law is in. It doesn't get any snow where she is, nothing below about 50 degrees and pretty days almost all year round. I said "Sure..if this cold weather keeps up and your mother gets out of that state I'll consider it."

I couldn't help but notice this as part of the warning about this cold weather:

Those planning to venture outdoors should use common sense.

I have to wonder while reading that if the person who wrote that thinks people don't have common sense or the people who don't have common sense will be able to realize what it means. Just a thought.

We got the car back. The bill was just under 400 dollars. Personally I'd rather just leave it somewhere and use our other car. Granted the car that got fixed is newer and in my opinion it is prettier, but the other one is reliable. My mother said we need to take better care of it and check the oil often. Excuse me but we do take good care of the car and checking the oil or not checking the oil had nothing to do with what was wrong with it. The car is just a pain in the ass that is probably testing us. Yeah I know, a car can't test you..but it feels like it. I also can't help but find it ironic that the car decides to have all these problems in the coldest Winter I've been alive.

I am starting to really hate Winter!!

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