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2002-02-05 - 10:38 p.m.

My sleeping schedule is still off. I went to bed this morning at about 10 something and got up sometime after 7pm. Yesterday I got up at 6 something.

I had a really strange dream. I dreamed my mother told us that my father had a secret child that we didn't know about. She made us promise not to tell my father we knew. I have no idea why I dreamed that.

My father is officially retired as of a week ago yesterday. He's doing the usual things, sleep late and be lazy. He's also trying to get another job. I used to think the whole point of retiring was so you didn't have to work anymore. My father has been talking about this retirement for years. And what does he do one week after he retires?? He goes and fills out an application. If I retired and was getting a nice sized check each month I would NOT get another job. What's the point?? You retire to avoid the arrogant bosses, long hours, and missing your favorite shows on tv.

My mother on the other hand will be working until the day she dies. She can't even stand to not be working on her days off, she tries to go in and work more. Funny, my mother is the workaholic. Usually it's the husband whose the workaholic. My father in law used to be a workaholic until he saw the high price being one was.

I don't see the point to being a workholic. I mean, look at what you miss by being one. Granted some people don't want the family life..fine..but what about an actual life?? I always wonder about all these people who work so much, sure they have all this money but if you're working all the time when are you going to have the time to spend it?? And if you don't have the time to spend it, is there much point in having it?? Why does someone become a workaholic?? For the money?? The success?? Neither of those things mean anything if you don't have someone to share it with.

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