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2002-03-07 - 8:57 p.m.

I'm going to put on a few airs here and say I'm kind of proud of myself that I've put together this journal and actually stuck with it. I like to try to write stories and scripts but I have been known not to finish all of them. When I started this journal I wasn't sure how well I was going to be able to stick with it but I think I'm doing okay with it. I hope to keep writing in it for a long time. Just imagine how weird it would be if I kept this up for years and years, and when I turned 90 I was still writing in it. I'd probably need this journal to remember things.

I started writing a script last night that I had been meaning to write for awhile. It's a movie that I know will never be picked up or bought by a studio. In fact I'm doubting anyone other than me and my husband will ever see it.

I got 32 pages of it done so far and I'm determined to finish this one. I have about 4-5 scenes written so far. Maybe I should post some of it when I get done or further along.

*thinks about it* Nahhhhhhhhhhh. hehe

I hate that I start scripts and stories and rarely finish them. A few of them I finished but not many. I think maybe this journal has got me inspired to stick with the scripts and stories I start writing. I can't believe I got that many pages written so far so maybe I'll actually finish this one. Speaking of which, I'm hoping to get 1,000 entries in this journal written by the end of this year..but I'll settle for the end of next year. :))

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