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Saturday, Apr. 09, 2005 - 10:29 p.m.

Okay what the hell is my mom trying to do?? Dec21 and I were playing cards tonight with my parents and my mom said I should come over and we'd lay out in the sun tomorrow and listen to CD's. I was okay with this idea until she said "And I'll play Butterfly kisses for you." I DON'T THINK SO!! I was getting upset and I said I didn't like that song and I didn't want to hear it ever again. What does she do?? She starts singing it!!!! Right there in front of me..I almost lost it. I said "I really don't like that song.." as I was getting closer and closer to losing it. She went on to say how Dec21 liked the song. I don't know if he did or didn't but come on..I did NOT want to hear about that damn song. She kept asking me why and then in a bit of a bitchy tone said "Well fine then I won't play it in front of you." THANK YOU...that would be very much appreciated.

For the record if anyone is interested, I excused myself and went straight for one of their bathrooms and let out my frustations, trying hard not to cry but at the same time try to make sense of why she was doing all that.

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