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Opinions On Current News Stories

Thursday, May. 02, 2002 - 11:47 p.m.

This entry has the potential to be a very long entry. There are a lot of stories and I have tons of opinions on them. So here goes:


The title summarizes most of the story. A vice principal makes a bunch of teenage girls pull up their dresses and/or skirts and show what kind of panties they are wearing. Why was this done?? To make sure they were wearing appropiate underwear. As if it's anyone else's business. To add insult to injury the VP made the girls do this in front of all the other girls, all the boys, other teachers and police officers that were standing by a door.

The VP is a woman which makes this whole story even more disturbing. Just what was this woman trying to prove?? Is it really anyone's business other than these girls what kind of undergarments they chose to wear?? Now I can understand if they were wearing very revealing clothes. You know the kind you see celebrities wear for the sole reason to show off their body and to gloat that they can wear such an outfit.

Was this VP getting turned on by this?? Those guys at the dance I'm sure enjoyed it. A free show and all they had to do to see it was show up. Apparently some of the guys had to prove they were wearing underwear underneath some togas they were wearing. As if that really begins to compare to the humiliation these girls went thru. This VP should be fired, sued and thrown in prison. What she did not only was humilating and degrading but it was sexual harassment and comes close if not being sexual assault.


Okay pardon me while I think this out. Some men are becoming priests because they want to serve God. So far so good. They have to be celebate. A rule I never really understood. Just how is a priest not having sex going to make him better at preaching the bible?? Sex is not a sin, it's not against the law, so how does the Catholic church believe that if you want to be a priest you can only be one if you don't have sex?? Is it because they think priests could use that time better if they spent the time reading the bible??

So since priests aren't allowed to get any they see fit to rape kids. Oh yeah that makes sense. Like school shootings a few years ago it seems like priests turning into rapists is the latest fad. What's worse is that the Catholic church doesn't seem to care. They don't allow their priests to have sex but if their priests are raping children they don't seem to have a problem with that. That doesn't make any sense!!

This latest priest who got arrested for rape stuns me the most. Apparently the Catholic church knew what he was doing, and instead of filing charges or kicking him out they just transfer him. Doesn't that make them an accessory?? Hell yes it does!! Was the Catholic church worried about it's reputation if this got out?? Do they think it was worth it?? I have nothing against Catholics but I find the fact that the Catholic church knew what was going on and did nothing but push the problem on to another church scary and disgusting. Children are told they can trust priests but be careful of strangers. This isn't to say all priests are like this, but if this continues, then this scandal is going to lose respect for every man and woman of the cloth. That is if it hasn't happened already.


I think I liked how Dave Letterman said it best. "Clinton is going to be the first president ever to be impeached and cancelled." Clinton seems obsessed with getting a tv show. How about he do a comedy show?? How's this sound for a tv ex-president without much of a life after leaving office is desperate to find something to do so he goes around trying to find a job. Not too realistic huh?? hehe Although it would be interesting to hear Clinton's comments on the Gary Condit/Chandra Levy story.


Every year studios try to out do each other. Especially in the summer. They put out sequels, action movies and big blockbuster wannabes. My predictions for some of the big money makers this year are the following, in no particular order:

Spider Man

Men In Black 2

Austin Powers 3

There are a few others but that's all I could think of right now.

I keep hearing how each year lately the total amount of money all movies make up to this point or at the end of the year or a season is higher than that time last year or all of last year. Do these people who keep saying that stop to think that what's doing that is the yearly increase in ticket prices?? With how high movie prices are only about a 1-2 million people need to see a movie in a weekend and it makes enough money to be classified as having a good weekend and making a lot of money.

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