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An Entry That Took Two Hours To Officially Start

Tuesday, May. 07, 2002 - 1:24 a.m.

I started this entry 2 hours ago and I have been trying to write it and it looks like I can FINALLY write it now. I had started it at 11 something and it didn't seem appropiate to leave that time on there. Some stuff happened since then as well. One of which was fighting with an idiot (the one with the ex from hell) who thinks if anytime he wants to get someone to do what he wants, all he has to do is threaten to end the friendship and insult and name call which he frequently does. Now after yet another fight he wants to be friends. Does the phrase "Go screw yourself" mean anything to anyone?? I should tell this guy that. He said he wants to talk again tomorrow. Yeah sure..I'll be on..with a little block next to your nickname along with a message that says "Don't you even think of unblocking." Although maybe I should leave him unblocked and just not talk much when he messages or say I have to go. You know, a guy this stupid and annoying shouldn't be given so much space in this entry. So let's move on to other topics.

Apparently last weekend's hitting a golf ball and getting it airborne almost every time and actually getting some distance on it was just a fluke. My parents, my husband and I went back to the driving range. More time got spent retrieving balls I had barely hit then the average time each one spent in the air. Yeah I know you're not supposed to retrieve balls but considering I could reach the balls with the club without much effort should show that I wasn't in any danger of getting hit with any stray balls from other directions. I had more fun taking pictures of my husband and my father hitting golf balls. I'd like to go on record as saying that nothing will make you feel dumber than repeatedly not being able to hit a stupid ball with a big club while a lot of people are watching. Well...I take that back..there are a few things which I'm sure will get mentioned sometime.

Speaking of Sunday..before we left I realized that there was probably a good reason I hadn't worn shorts lately. Well there is the obvious reason that my legs look like a layer of white paint over globs of skin that resemble legs. Another reason is that I hadn't shaven my legs in the last few days. I try to shave them on a normal schedule but I had forgotten. I went back and gave my legs a quick dry shave. Yes in no water, no soap, no shaving cream. Just a razor and my legs. Yes I realize you aren't supposed to do that but I was in a hurry and I had done it before with minimum complaint. I spent the next several hours having my legs itch like I had just made out with a bush of poison ivy. They also looked half sunburned although they weren't. Later on after my mother lectured on not shaving your legs that way, (as if I really thought she'd approve) suggested I put lotion on my legs. She said it would help them. Yeah right!! My legs felt like I had just made a blanket out of hot coals and put it over my legs.

My mother also insisted on pointing out at the driving range that I had missed a spot on each leg when I shaved. Like I really needed that brought to my attention there. She was behind me and shaving the back of my legs has never been a skill I thrive in. I usually get my legs shaved all the way and yes occasionally I miss a spot or two, but does that mean it should be broadcast?? I looked at the back of my legs and yes I saw the spot she talked about. I told her not to worry about it. I turn my head and she is starring at it. I told her to stop looking at it, people were going to start to wonder if they saw my mother starring at my legs.

You gotta wonder though..who has it easier when it comes to shaving?? Girls have to shave their legs or they look strange and people stare. Although they can just wear pants and no one would know. Guys on the other hand can just say they are growing a beard, but if they don't want to grow a beard they can't cover it up with pants..well..not usually anyways.


Why Do I Watch Some Types Of Movies?? 2:06PM

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