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Doctor's Appointment This Coming Monday

Wednesday, May. 08, 2002 - 1:59 a.m.

I have to go to the doctor on Monday. Our insurance company finally approved the doctor I'm going to. Goody goody. Part of me wants to go, part of me doesn't. The part that wants to go wants to find out if everything is okay and to find out if I have an anxiety disorder. The part that doesn't want to go isn't up for the being weighed and having to go thru all those embarressing things that you have to go thru during a physical. I've never met this doctor and this doctor is going to walk in, say hello and bam so much for getting to know each other. Seems kind of wrong to have that quick of an introduction considering what the doctor is going to be doing.

I wonder if we should buy a couple magazines before getting there. A doctor's office has magazines that were put out at least a year or two ago. There also seems to be Dr. Seuss books. Have you noticed that no matter what you wind up reading they always seem to call you right when you're in the middle of one of those books or articles?? I usually grab the book or magazine and take it back and read it there. There's only so many things you can read inside of a doctor's exam room.

My mother who I'm think I should rename "the meddler", decided to go ahead and make the appointment for me and then tell me afterwards when it was. So thank you mom for going on the assumption that despite the fact that I am 23 years of age I don't have the maturity or the skills to schedule my own doctor's appointment. And I guess to hell with what my husband and I may have wanted to do on that day. For the recored the appointment is at 2pm next Monday. Translation: We'll get there, have to fill out a bunch of paperwork, get called back at about 2:30, get seen by the doctor at 3:00, get poked, proded and weighed, then sent him at 3:30. And that's if we're lucky.


Gaining Weight 1:20AM

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