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Gaining Weight

Wednesday, May. 08, 2002 - 1:20 a.m.

Scales are evil plastic things. I have to wonder if scales used to get weighed were invented just to keep a person's self esteem from getting too high. I made the mistake of weighing myself on Monday and to my horror finding out I've gained a few pounds. If I eat a lot I gain weight, if I don't eat a lot I gain weight, if I don't eat anything I gain weight. It seems I gain weight when I'm trying to maintain a weight or lose weight and I seem to lose weight when I'm half ass trying.

Maybe I should blame my mother for my weight gain. Lately she's buying a bunch of regular sodas. She's bought Sunkist, Ginger Ale, Pepsi, and Sprite. Usually if she buys regular sodas it's in small amounts and only one kind at a time. She also has been buying candy and cookies left and right. I counted 4 bags of minature chips ahoy cookies the other day. Since we go over there a lot the temptation is high.

I don't eat a lot. In fact according to my husband I don't eat right. I will usually eat one full meal a day or everything I eat for the day combined equals a full meal. Yesterday I didn't even eat enough to count as a small meal. Either I just don't think about eating, I'm not hungry, or I don't want to eat is the reason for not eating a lot. My mother insists that if you don't eat much your body thinks it's starving so you either gain weight or won't lose weight. Apparently she's right.

I hate gaining weight. I hate knowing I've gained weight. Everytime I get on my parents' scale I sometimes like to take off a couple pounds off the number it says to account for shoes and clothes. I'll sometimes even say that since it's evening if I weigh then that explains it because I had eaten earlier. Excuses that probably wouldn't hold much water but I use them anyways.

The scales at a doctor's office are even worse. They add more weight to a person than tv. And is it just me or do doctors just refuse to get a scale that you don't have to screw with moving some little knobs back and forth?? Does anyone else feel like a pound of fruit when they do that??

So let's can I lose weight?? I can't really say eat less because that doesn't work. I could exercise but most exercise programs come on at 6am and if I'm going to be up that early I'm not going to stay awake that early just to try to follow the moves of an excercise obsessed, steroid induced muscle maniac and be sore all day because of it. I've thought of renting those exercise tapes but what good would they do once I have to take the tapes back?? I guess I could go to rec center like my father goes to. My husband and I actually applied to be members but they were requesting several proofs of I.D. and neither him nor I had the motorvation to go get any and bring it in. I've thought of walking around the neighborhood. That's good exercise..although lately the only kind of weather days we've been having are the raining ones and the very hot ones. I can either get pneumonia or heat exhaustion. I'll pass. I could go swimming but that would require wearing a bathing suit, something I've never enjoyed doing. Besides, I'm already complaining I need to lose weight, why do I want to advertise that fact??

Well I've come up with an excuse for just about every way to lose weight. That's pretty pathetic huh?? There is another way to lose weight, surgery and no offense but if that's the only way a person can lose weight..then what's the chances they're going to be able to KEEP that weight off after the surgery?? Unless of course they just want to hand over all the money they ever earn just to lose the weight again.

I guess I could be anorexic or bullimic but all that will do is make me sick and get me sent to the hospital. I'm trying to lose pounds not brain cells!!


Doctor's Appointment This Coming Monday 1:59AM

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