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2002-03-31 - 6:47 p.m.

What is it about me and Easter?? Easter just doesn't go as planned for me. When I was 5 years old I was all set to go to church on Easter. My mother even bought me this really pretty Easter dress. It was long sleeves and pink. Easter morning came, and I woke up with the chicken pox. Needless to say I didn't go to church that day and the following Easter I had grown out of that dress. Then on Easter of 1990 was the last time I went to church. Come to think of it, it was March 31 same as this Easter. Hmm, what do you know??

I used to hate going to my aunt's house for Easter which we did a few times when I was a kid. I was my aunt's only neice there. All the other kids were her grandkids and because they were grandkids they got extra easter baskets and candy from her. Meanwhile I didn't because I was just "her neice". I hated that. My mother insists it's no big deal but when you're a kid it is. When every kid but you is getting candy from someone and that person knows you're going to be there and doesn't give you any, not even one little piece it's going to upset you a bit. What kid wouldn't feel a little left out?? Even her grandchildren that were still in diapers got candy. (This by the way is the same aunt who on my wedding day took her present back because she wanted to get something else, she has yet to replace it)

Now for this Easter. I only slept a few hours, no surprise though. My husband and I were going to go shopping with my parents. We met them at a store that neither me or my husband like too much. Well we got there, my mother said she'd be waiting for us in the parking lot. Yeah sure mom. We get there, the car's there, they are inside the store. Anyways, we meet them inside the store, walk out and get in their car. We decide to go to the mall first. I want an extra memory card for the digital camera. Just our luck the stores were closed.

We decided to have dinner. We went to IHOP and at this point my parents were bickering quite nicely back and forth. My father has this habit of finding the second most inconvient, far away parking spot in a place. This annoys my mother to no end.

The conversation in the resturant became my sleeping habits and my mother insisting that because I won't take sleeping pills then that MUST mean according to her that I don't WANT to sleep right. Yeah sure mom, you keep believing that. She said if I actually stayed in bed and not get up until morning I'd sleep. I have doubts about that. When she can't sleep the first place she goes is into the living room to watch tv. I mention this and she says "Well hardly ever." Translation "Well yeah but you're not supposed to remember that. Besides we're not going to discuss that."

Halfway thru the meal, snot starts running out of my father's nose and to his mouth. Now sorry but considering I was directly across from him, was eating and my drink for the meal was Sprite, I couldn't help but say something or throw up. I casually mention it and my father gets pissed off. He claims he can't help it and bitches at me. My mother hands him a napkin saying he can too help it and tells me to not look. Kind of hard to do but I do my best.

Speaking of my father, now that he's getting closer to being a full time bus driver he is becoming obsessed with it. We saw a bus outside that's like the one he's been learning on and will soon be driving full time. He looked at it, looked at his watch and said "50 seconds". Then he said that the bus would be leaving in 50 seconds. He set his watch to the times when the bus leaves certain areas and was giving us updates like every 10 seconds. The bus was a bit late and he was quick to point it out. Can we say OBSESSED?!?!?!?! Can we say get a life?!!?!?

We finished our meals and went to the register. My husband is paying for our meals, my father is behind us getting ready to pay for his and my mother's. My husband kiss a few times and my mother walks away and heads for the bathroom. My husband teasingly said we must have upset her. My father says "No she's MAD at you two!!" At us?? What the hell did we do?? I asked him why is she mad at us and his reply is "Because of your actions." Huh?? Well I go into the restroom and wait for my mother to come out and I ask what her problem is. She says she's not mad and didn't understand why my father said all that. She did say that my husband and I didn't need to be "nawling on each other in front of the woman who was ringing us up." My mother can't stand if my husband and I show the slightest bit of affection to each other in public. She even kicked my husband in the leg when our kiss on our wedding day lasted a bit longer than she liked. No one else minded, in fact the preacher even said "I think we're going to be here awhile."

Well, we got back to our car and went home and guess what??!?!!? The monthly visitor is here!! What is it with my monthly cycle and holidays. I got it the first time on Halloween, I got it on New Year's Eve a few months ago. I wasn't even supposed to get it until a week from now but of course a week from now it won't be a holiday.


Insomnia?? 4:27AM
A Story I Wrote 5:24AM

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